Chapter 13

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"We heard you had an argument with Cassie," I stated as I narrowed my eyes down on Sam. 

"It wasn't really an argument," his mouth was a flat line as he stared straight at us. 

"Your drama teacher told us about it," Sam winced. "She said she could hear it from inside her office." 

"She only hears from inside her office, because she never comes out of it," amused, a smile spread across Sams face.  

I looked at Lawrence next to me, to see him looking back at me with raised eyebrows. 

"Right, getting back to Cassie, you agree you did have an argument?" I inquired once again my eyes narrowing down on him. It had become an habit when interrogating. 


"What was it about?" 

"Nothing much," he glanced around the small room we had been placed in. 

"Even if it feels like nothing, it could mean a lot, we need to know as much as we can," 

Sams' head quickly snapped to look at our faces. 

"Why do you need to know as much as you can?" 

"We think that Cassie's brothers death, was a murder," I took a gulp of the water that had been placed on the table between us. 

Sams smile dropped into a thin line. 

"Why do you think that?" he questioned, as he narrowed his eyes on us, just as I had done. 

"We're getting of subject Sam, that is police confidentiality business." 

"Mine and Cassie's argument, was small, nothing happened," frustratingly he folded his arms and frowned. 

"Ok, how was your and Cassie's relationship in general?" I asked gently, not wanting to have a rowdy teenager on my case.

"We were good friends, well the best of friends for a little while, but then she started to change," Sam looked down at the floor, at his shoes. 

"When and how did she start to change?" 

"A couple of months ago, she became quiet, she didn't smile as much, she didn't talk or laugh, then eventually, she started to ignore us all... even me," 

"Do you know why this might of been?" I lent forward. 

"There was this one guy..." 


"Henry, I don't know his second name, but Cassie mentioned him once or twice.. and once I did see them having an argument, after which she ran of crying," 

"What did she say about him? And when did you see this?" 

Slowly he lifted his head and looked at us. 

"Just that he was a bit clingy, I didn't actually see it, she came to my house after and told me," 

"Was she often upset? Did she often come to see you after, or tell you about it?" 

"Sometimes." he briefly glanced out the small window next to us, the only light in the room, the looking back at us he had a small smile on his face. "Cassie was everyone's friend, but her and Henry did have their moments." His face distorted into digust. 

"What do you mean by their moments?" 

"Well, there was a point when everyone thought they were going out," he gritted his teeth, but his smile quickly returned, "but that was quickly over." 

I looked at my watch and at Lawrences notes. It was time to leave and to think. 

"Thankyou Sam, this has been very helpful." I stood up, as did Lawrence. "If you remember something you feel is important, then do tell us, even about your argument." 

We went to leave, opening the door, Sam did not get up. 

"As I said detectives, it wasn't an argument, I was just trying to protect her." 

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