Chapter 5

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"Where the hell am I?" I mumbled to myself as I darted about the empty hallways of the school.

I was lost. I didn't know where I was or what room I was supposed to be in, the map was utterly useless, only showing me what classes I had, not where!

"Shouldn't you be in lessons?" Squealing to a halt, after hearing the husky voice speak, I jumped in shock.

"I.. uh.. I," I looked at his blue eyes which captured me immediately, as a sly smirk crossed his face, my cheeks burned from humiliation when I realised he knew I was checking him out.

"Well, I would be in class, if only I knew where that class was!" I said, waving the map about.

"Yeah...the maps are pretty useless," he was leant against the wall next to us, with a black t-shirt on which made his muscles bulge. I gulped.

"Hi again."

I jolt went through me as I realized it was the boy who I had bumped into yesterday.

" Hi again," I spoke quietly.

"I think it'd be best if you went to class actually." His face darkened as he stared at me intently.

"Ok.." I started to walk away from him slowly, completely creeped out.

"Wait! Let me help you, trust me I know this place better then the head teacher does," laughing at his own joke, he walked over to me and gestured to my map which I gratefully handed to him.

"You have, drama first, which is outside in the Romat center, come on I'll take you there," suddenly he was walking at a brisk pace to the 'Romat Center', which at that moment in time I wasn't really thinking about how unusual the name was but how bipolar the guy was next to me.

He still had a hold of my map; I couldn't help but notice how a small smile would spread across his face every now and then.

"You have, most lessons with me, second, third and fourth today, just incase you didn't know theres five," I smiled, thankful to finally get some help.

" I didn't know you were one to like Art," he pondered whilst looking down at me.

"Yeah, I love art, you do art?" I asked.

"Yeah same." I raised my eyebrows at him, and he laughed. "Well I wouldn't of taken you of someone to like art either," he said.

Jokingly I smiled at him, and in surprise, he smiled at me too.

Our walking fell in to silence, to which I was kind of grateful for, as it gave me a chance to pay attention to where I was.

The corridors in the school were normal, basic school corridors. A squeaky laminated floor, the corridors however, never seem to end; they would just kept going round the corner, doors upon doors. That's when we came to a heavy looking, white pair of double doors.

"Are you sure this is the right place...?", but was quickly cut of by him saying.

"Yeah, don't you remember me saying that I know this place pretty well?"

"Not those words exactly," I teased, giving him a cheeky smile, in which he softly laughed in return. I smiled happily, finally, I got nice boy back.

My smile soon dropped into a wide tunnel though, as the huge double doors swung open, to reveal the most beautiful school area I had ever seen.

A path was laid out infront of me, the normal gray pavement had turned into a cobbled path, which looked clean and fresh. Whilst on either side were big bushes of flowers, of all colours ranging for exotic purples and reds to ocean greens and blues. In some indents between the bushes were benches, well looked after, a honey brown - all new and fresh, with black rims that curled round at the ends, holding the panels of wood together.

Taking a few more steps and we were soon greeted to a wood cabin, with a large white sign outside saying 'Romat Center'.

"It gets pretty cold out here in the winter, so the cabin makes it stay warm and cosy, its great for hiding in when it rains," he commented.

"Well I'll be sure to come hide out here when it rains."

"Well maybe I'll see you around."

I think he was still as caught up by the garden as I was, as his eyes were hazey.

"Well thanks for showing me here," we turned to face each other.

"Thats alright, anytime, hopefully I wasn't that bad for a tour guide," he smiled, dazzling his teeth. I laughed softly.

"Well some improvements, but we got plenty of time to work on it."

"Oi.. I weren't that bad, any disagreeing and I will be forced to never show you around again," he teased.

"Well then, I sharen't disagree, anyway! Pretty late as it is, probably see you later," I walked away from him to the cosy, warm looking cabin, surrounded by beauty.

"By the way, my name is Henry." I heard him call after me.

"Thanks again Henry!" I called out over my shoulder.

As I walked up to the 'Romat center' I only just realised how the garden made him so calm, and normal.

Suddenly a rush of nerves over took me as I made my way up the cabin steps - which to my surprise didn't squeak in protest of my weight, I thought they'd be old and creaky, but they felt solid and new beneath me.

Just like the school in general - it was all new, and it felt... right. When we first moved, I dreaded coming here, but after meeting someone (who may be a bit bipolar), and feeling like a family at home, I was starting to like this place. Maybe even love it.

I reached the door which had a bold sign on it saying 'Entrance'. As I pushed it open it was heavy, made of thick panels of wood which kept the cold out. I slowly closed the door behind me, and was in a small room which must of been the cloakroom - with coats, bags, and even shoes lying about.

Its walls were painted a light yellow and on the floor was a creamy plush carpet, the room smelt sweet (even though with the amount of shoes there were) and it felt cosy, like a home would. On the left to me, I saw a door with gold letters printed on it saying 'Romat room 1'. I pushed it open and was meet with a sea of eyes. I froze.

Everyone was sitting on high stools which were positioned up against the walls, in a line. I could hear a teacher talking - however I could see no teacher in sight.

It was a female teacher, her voice was clear and loud, but soon it dimmed when she realized that all their heads were looking in my direction. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blonde, curly haired - freckled women jumped out of nowhere.

Jumping out of my skin, I took an automatic step back, but then calmed to realize she must be the teacher, although quite small. She had a wide smile spread across her face, and clearly was bouncing with enthusiasm.

My heart started to pound louder.

"Um hi... I'm Cassie."

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