Happy New Year!

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2016 may have been a rough yet challenging and even impossible, it's past and it made us stronger and who we are!

It's time to let go of the past and move on. It's okay and completely human to look back. Just don't make it a bad habit by dwelling and fixating on the past. It's in the past for a reason. It's behind you to make you stronger and wiser! And be open to what will unfold in your near future.

You may have been a lot in a person last year, but this year is different. And it has a lot of real talent, magic and potential! It's time to embrace the real you and all that you are truly passionate about. Just let it out!

Screw society and what they think. What you think you want and who you wanna be is all up to you. And that's all that matters. What society thinks doesn't matter and they shouldn't get inside your head controlling your life. Your every move. It's your life, not theirs. Don't give them the controller or your life. It's yours, own it! Embrace it with all that you want it to be!

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