You Matter

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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

We can't let ourselves sink in a hole when there's always hope regardless of how hopeless and helpless we may feel. Think about what you'll look like and how you'll feel if you achieve a month, 3–6 month along the way?

Think of things that had you hold on no matter how hopeless and helpless you felt! That truly helped me!

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work.

Yeah we all makes mistakes and that's part of being human. But we all have to accept that fact and not beat ourselves or anyone else up for any mistakes or failures they've made. Life is not perfect. Life isn't always fair and nor will humans be perfect either.

So let's start by trying to analyze how we have previously handled and responded to many different kinds of situations in our past and see what you learn. One thing that you must know is to have a open ind and be accepting to new changes and possibilities because we also need to own up to our own mistakes, regrets, failures and wrong doings.

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