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•••Spying Is Not An Option•••

Aomine scowled. "Wait, what?"

"How many times are you idiots gonna say that?" Kirino frowned, hand on her hip.

Sasha sighed. "Like I said, a hundredth time ago, we will be going going by partners."

"Why?" - Midorima (  ̄Д ̄)

"So that Mizune won't notice when we blend in the crowd," Sasha briskly emphasized. "You'll only pretend to be couples if-- when-- they turn your way."

"Why?" - Kise ヽ(●-'Д'-)ノ

Sasha vehemently washed her face with her hands, frustrated. "So that they won't notice you! Do you want all of us to get caught spying on Mizune by the monster herself? Her guards wouldn't mind cuz they're doing it too and she's used to them. But if she caught us..."

Everyone, and I mean every one of them, gulped after shuddering. "But she'll immediately recognize us since we're still in our earlier clothes." Kuroko said.

"Need I remind you how forgetful she is?"

"Then buy new ones." Kasaiino said to the GoMs, matter of factly.

"You're all rich enough for that." Hikari narrowed a look.

"Not really." - Akashi (`・ω・')

Rai clicked her tongue. "Wow~ you just insulted every pleb in the world."

"I think you're the one who insulted them, Rai." Kuki slowly pointed out.

"Just wear a disguise or something. Or buy a cheap trench coat." Kinzoku suggested.

"So, who'll be partnered with whom?" Akashi inquired.

"I'm with Kasaiino!" Kirino waved her arm up.

Sasha glared. "No. Weren't you listening? To be fair and so no one ends up alone, we'll be partnered by these." And reeled out 12 Popsicle sticks out of her bag, lowering them down to hide the colored paper glued on the other side. "Each of you will get a stick with one color of two. For example, I picked a stick first and the paper on it has the color red, when everyone has their own popsticks, I'll say the color on mine since I was the first one who picked and partner up to whoever has the same."

"Why???" - The girls (except Momoi) ヽ(゜Q。)ノ?

Sasha stomped towards them with white eyes and before she could be of arms reach close, Takao wrapped his arms around her waist to cease her. "Now, now, Kyu-chan. Wouldn't want to go to prison for attempted murder, right?" He sweat dropped, grinning.

"Maybe you should rephrase that, minus the attempted." Midorima deadpanned.

"Where is Mizune and Kagami, by the way?" Kuki asked Kinzoku, who hauled out her phone.

"They are.. seven minutes away from where we are."

Kuki grinned at the GoMs. "Kinzoku has a GPS on Mizune."

They opened their mouths but Sahsa beat them to it. "Don't ask. Anyway, she'll have the most tabs on Mizune so she'll occasionally call us. By occasionally, every five minutes."

"Can't I just send you guys a text every five minutes?" Kinzoku sweat dropped, shoulders slumping.

"We should hurry up, Taiga and Mizune will be here." Himuro declared.

"Alright, anyone can go ahead and--"

"Wait, Vasiliev, why are there only twelve sticks when there are sixteen of us?" Akashi asked, they all looked at her.

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