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"Arigatou gozamaisu, Aida-san." The girls bowed to Riko's father.

He waved his hand. "Douitashimashite. Thanks for cleaning up, by the way. Have a safe trip home and rest well. Come by for practice anytime, I'll be willing to help."


"Newbies! Let's eat out!" Kuki jumped on them, sliding her arms on their shoulders as they walked away. Naiyan and Tatsumaki were at the left while Yami's at the right. 

"I'll ask my parents' consents first." Yami said.

"Can't we just go home??" Tatsumaki and Naiyan groaned in unison.

"Don't you want to eat at Mizune's house? It's her treat!"


"Huh!? Fuzakeru na, you're all fucking rich so we'll share on the food since the deliver expense will be free." The tealette glared at the silverette on the ground. Her head smoking due to the impact of the head slap.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Swearing is bad, you know." Naiyan shook her head in disapproval.

"Feigning to be kind is bad, you know." Mizune fired back.

( ̄へ ̄#) - Naiyan

"Um, Mizune san." The tealette turned to Yami, "Do we have a manager and a coach?"

Mizune stiffened. "The latter, yes. But the former..."

"Aren't you gonna be the manager, Mizune?" Sasha asked.

"Why don't you be the manager?"


"I also don't want to."

"Let's ask Momoi-chan to be our manager!" Rai suggested, gleaming.

"Hell, no! She's already busy with her own idiots and I've already got my hands full with the lot of you until Gun-oppa gets here!" Mizune shouted.

"Gun-oppa?" Yami blinked.

"The coach is a guy?" Tatsumaki's eyes widened.

"And korean?" Naiyan gleamed with a blush.

"Didn't you three know?" Hikari inquired.

"He usually.. you know." Kinzoku nudged her, giving a meaningful look.

"Oh... right."

The new trio exchanged looks. "Who was the manager? I don't recall seeing anyone else on the bench with the coach besides the other team members." Tatsumaki furrowed her brows.

The girls pointed with a sneer. "It was Mizune."

"Can't we get a mananger? I'm willing to give one of my guards!" The tealette croaked.

"Maybe one of Rai's brothers?" Kirino nudged the blonde, grinning.

"No way! The lot of you will just flirt with them!"

"Can we decide first on whether we'll eat together outside or in the house of any of us?" Kasaiino snapped, their stomachs chorused a grumble.

"Then let's go, slowpokes! I'm starving!" Kuki marched ahead.

The girls, except the newbies, froze. They all turned to see a guy that looked about the same age as them. "Who is that?" Yami squinted her eyes.

"I-It's..." Mizune's mouth dried.

The guy lowered the white face mask to reveal a smirk. "Cat got your tongue, jagiya? Not even a hug for your oppa?"



This OMAKE is dedicated to Animeforever99

For being the 100th and 101th voter of this fanfiction! Minna-san, CLAP YOUR HANDS



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Lmfao (°∀°)b loving that snape gif— ohmyjams ALAN RICKMAN *SCREAMS TO THE HEAVENS, GETS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING*

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Lmfao (°∀°)b loving that snape gif ohmyjams ALAN RICKMAN *SCREAMS TO THE HEAVENS, GETS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING*

Where were we? Ah~ YES!

Very much thank u thank Animeforever99 for voting~ hope u enjoyed and still enjoying this fanfic!

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Very much thank u thank Animeforever99 for voting~ hope u enjoyed and still enjoying this fanfic!

Not sure when season 2 will come out. School has been all over the place and I can't seem to find a time for only writing. BUT~ (~‾∇‾)~ don't y'all worry because I have already began with the 1st chap of s2! Some of the content has already made its way into my drafts. I'll try to publish before the year ends hahaha! So~ wait for me y'all! ♥(✿ฺ´∀'✿ฺ)ノ

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