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˙˙˙Would You Mind˙˙˙

Even in a Saturday, Tokyo was bustling under the midwinter sun. Snow didn't trailed down today, much to some people's relief. But they're all hanging out in the mall instead of cozying in their homes with their heaters.

Hikari moved closer to her blonde companion when a group of middle schoolers clumsily barged in the shelves they're in between. "Rai, why are we hanging out this Saturday?" She inquired.

"Come on, Kari, we're shopping for stuff about the project." The blonde scrutinized a figurine of the members of STARISH in her hand before putting it back on the shelf.

"Then why are we at an anime store?" Hikari crossed her arms.

Rai beamed. "Window shopping!"

"I'm gonna go outside. To control myself."

"Let it go, Kari! Don't control yourself." She grasped the short haired brunette's shoulders and shook her.

Hikari was about to reel the blonde and herself out of the store when her ears perked at the group of guys that just entered.

"Dude, you were totally no much with that foreign chick."

"You danced like a steamed potato!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What is she, anyway, Indian?"

"No, she said she's half Indian and half Australian."

Hikari felt her heart skipped a bit as the guys trudged into the store, away from them. "Um, Rai.. You don't think it's who I think it is they're talking about," She looked to her friend for clarification. "Right?"

"Only one way to find out." Rai ran around the store, searching for the group of guys, ignoring Hikari's protest. "Hey, you!"

The group of guys looked like they were in a fraternity. 'C-College kids? So t-tall!' Rai thought and cleared her throat, "That girl you were talking about, where is she?"

"The half Indian and half Australian?" The guy with a beanie at the center asked, she nodded.

He glanced at his friends and Rai didn't knew why she lost her patience. Hikari exclaimed her name when the blonde collared the guy and slammed him against the wall. His friends were rooted on the spot, shocked.

"Where?!" Her face flushed, she wasn't sure if it was from anger or embarrassment. But she was aware of the eyes on them. So yeah, definitely embarrassment and anger to herself.

"Y-you can find her outside at the huge hall, there's a crowd gathering around her..!" The guy squeaked and was released.

"Let's go!" Rai grabbed Hikari's arm, dashing out of the store.

When they found the large crowd and tango music in the air, Rai halted to cry. "Uwah! That was so embarrassing, I lost my temper! How could I!?" She crouched down, covering her face with her hands, ashamed.

"You're crying about it now?!" Hikari exclaimed.

"B-b-but what if they know who I am?" The blonde sputtered in between sobs, yelping when the brunette slapped her arm.

"You're wearing your violet contacts! Now, come on!" She hauled Rai up by the shoulders, squeezing through the crowd.

They arrived at front, stumbling. Their jaws dropped on the ground as they gawked at the black haired girl with light tan skin, blue eyes, toned body, dressed in a red outfit that was too cold for the weather and temperature in the mall, and too exposed to even be called 'revealing' and clothing.

THAT GIRL (Kuroko No Basuke FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now