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˙˙˙Destiny Is Very Unclear˙˙˙

"Game over!" The referee announced. "86 to 70, Rakuzan's favor. Bow!"

Both teams lowered their heads and said in unison. "Thank you very much!"

Rakuzan quietly sighed in relief, the gym filling with the applause of the audience.

"Rakuzan seems very quiet... somehow. Instead of looking victorious, they look relieved to overcame another obstacle." Koji uttered.

"Of course, winning is a natural to them. Anything but the championship is failure." Kasamatsu crossed his arms. "The pressure of being the strongest is beyond imagining. They absolutely cannot lose. That is the destiny of the emperor."

They watched as Midorima tread to Akashi. He briefly smashed his eyelids together and looked at the floor without interest. "It was in fact our loss.. but next time, we'll be sure to win!" Midorima held up a hand to Akashi, finally looking at him.

"I will give you my thanks, Shintaro. That was the first game in a while that had a bit of thrill. However," Akashi narrowed his eyes at Midorima's hand. "I apologize for I cannot accept that handshake."

If the green haired shooting guard had been astonished enough, he was more astonished at what the Captain of the Generation of Miracles said.

"If you seek victory, merciless is what you must become more. Winning is everything. I wish to stay as foe for all of you." Midorima didn't show his surprise though, if he was.

"I see. Akashi, you haven't changed... from back then." He lowered his hand and declared with determination, "We will win next time even then."

Shutoku couldn't help but lower their heads and shut their eyes, even their coach. They were snapped out of their shameful slumber by the team's captain. "Stand proud, all of you! Don't look so dishelved until we're off the court! We're not the only ones who fought!"

They frowned off their unkempt faces and oblige the order to line up in front of the supporters' area. "Thank you for all of your support!!!" They shouted altogether and made a grateful face as they could before bowing. The audience clapped for them, thanking them as well as taking their gratitude.

Shutoku went in a certain corridor faintly lit up by circular lights until the end of the corridor. Their starting lineu leading the way. The only noise besides their shoes greeting the ground is their point guard. They passed a hallway at the left. Takao turned to his partner, his hands still linked at the back of his head.

"Huh? Shin-chan, you're looking heartbroken and stuff? That's unnatural but..sorry. I don't think... I can cheer you up just now." He managed to hold back a choke as his voice betrayed him and so as his tears.

Midorima surprisingly looked at him and closed his eyes. Their ever enthusiastic point guard gnashed his teeth to prevent from letting the whole world know his tears of defeat. 'Figures..' Midorima thought.

"But, same for me, it is... regretful to lose.. after all." He didn't bother to blink away the tears blurring his sight. They unwillingly fell behind his glasses and continuously down his face.


He stopped and he looked over his shoulder, not minding that anyone might see the salty liquid of defeat from his eyes. No one was there, except his teammates walking past him.

"Fate—" Midorima held back a sob and turned his back then strode. Inwardly scolding himself that she's not here, that she's gone again. If his teeth weren't strong enough, they would've shattered when he grinded them together. Tasting the bitter salt tears on the corners of his mouth.

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