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˙˙˙Huge Change˙˙˙

In the streets of a certain part of Tokyo, where the rich people are, our light teal haired protagonist looked from the morning sun to her wrist watch.

"7:40 a.m.," She yawned. "Damnit! I hate waking up early on a Saturday..."

Mizune rubbed the light bags under her eyes from her five hours of sleep. She'll be sleeping late tonight as always and will wake up very late. Scratching the back of her head in frustration, stopping to regret coming up in front of the Akashi household. The fifteen meters white wall with a light shade of red covered the house- mansion. The only thing that can be seen if you backed away is the roof. The wall has lamps on top, a good couple of feet away from each other. Mizune knew very well that laser alarms are in between them.

She's now staring up at the gigantic red gates, on its side pasted to the wall is a camera just above her head and underneath it is a voice machine. Glancing at the gates before striding towards the voice machine in between of the large gates and a small one. She heard the camera whizzed, she was about to press a button on the machine to talk to their security when she heard a loud shrill groan. The small door just beside the voice machine was free from its hindering lock.

A woman put out her upper body, facing her. She was around mid-twenties but her squinty eyes made her looked young. The woman has chestnut hair that is pulled back into a low bun, a vine of flowers braided some strands of her hair just above her ear to lock her low bun. She's dressed in a light yellow kimono with a black sash and flowery designs. Her eyelids slowly unveil for her blue eyes to show.

A smile cracked her emotionless face. "When Jaikyo-san told me that there's a surprise not only for me at the front gate, I was half expecting nii-san with you in a sack."

Mizune chuckled. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

They shared a laugh before the woman gestured for her to come in. After she closed the gate, she sneak attack Mizune with a back hug. "Oooh~! It's been so long, I missed you and I still do! Uwaaah~ you've grown taller than me!" She cried, swaying the light teal haired girl off her feet.

"I missed you too, Leika onee-san." Mizune let herself smile as she was put down and swiveled around.

"I'm really the only person you used honorifics besides your family?" Leika furrowed her brows with a pout.

"Well, you said so yourself, remember? If we haven't seen each other for a long time, we're going to add honorifics to the other's name. I keep my swears." Mizune held up a hand solemnly. Leika wrapped both of her hands to the one Mizune is holding up.

"Then, Mizune-chan, my master is as you can see playing shogi." She said gracefully.

"With you?" Mizune lifted an eyebrow, Leika nodded.

"And you've been the only one resigning?" She nodded again.

"Does he know I'm here?" The dark blue eyed girl didn't know why it came out like a whisper.

Leiko deeply inhaled and exhaled. "Yes, before I went to the security room, Seijuro-kun uttered two words. 'She's here.'"

Mizune felt invisible fingers ran from her nape down to her spine but didn't show it. Now it was her turn to vacuum a huge amount of air in and expelled it out. "I brought something, which I just baked before treading to get here." Mizune shrugged, indicating the straps of her bag pack.

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