Chapter 5

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AN: Thank you to all who have started reading my story!! This is my first story, so I hope I'm doing well. Comments/Suggestions would be highly appreciated. The picture on the right was the boys' first picture together as a band. 


 What the hell?

The TV clip started with a video montage of these guys meeting each other from a talent show , then being the, as the reporter said, "Hottest British Boy Band of this Generation."  Who where these guys? I glanced around them and all had a worried look in their face. I eyed Louis, and he just looked down. I stared back at the television and listened on what the reporter had to say. 

"Yes you have heard it right, Mario. Britain's hottest boy band have arrived here in the USA, touring around the country for their 'Up All Night tour."

Then came clips of the five guys walking in Hollywood Boulevard, and their interview with Jay Leno. "One Direction has been causing a stir with the youngsters, especially the teenage girls around the country. Recently, while One Direction is staying in Florida, a group of girls mobbed them causing a wild chance around the city of Jacksonville."  So that explains those girls out side the hotel. And the park incident. "Who could resist their charm, eh? Don't forget to grab your tickets for their '"Up All Night'" tour. I clicked the off button. 

I stood up, and faced the boys, or should I say, One Direction. "So, did you just all forget to mention that, ummm, you're a boy band? And should I reiterate what the girl said, Britain's Hottest Boy Band? Huh? Did that just casually slip off your mind when we had the whole """"Introduce Yourselves"""" thing." I said that doing the air quotations along with the last two words.

"Well, we thought you didn't know.." said Liam with a shrug.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Captain obvious." I remarked. 

No one was speaking up. It was not really a big deal for me, but at least they could have told the truth. Now, I don't feel so safe anymore. I need to go out. "I better go. It was nice ... never mind."How could I say it was nice meeting them if I don't really know the real them?

I was heading to the door, when I heard a voice spoke up, "Wait!" I turned around and saw it was Harry. "I, um, we thought it was really cool, you know?"  

Cool? What the hell was he talking about. "Cool?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"Cool, in a sense that.." he was so fumbling. It's kind of cute actually. Shut up brain! Must remain my straight face.

"You really wanted to know who we are, I mean, who we really are, not just because we are some boy band. And you didn't hold back, you know? It's been a long time since a girl has been bickering with Louis, and not simply being a sweetie pie to us. Not sugar coating anything, everything seemed, real you know?" I didn't know what to say. He was so honest, but gentle you know?

The others looked as dumbfounded as me. "Wow Elle." said Zayn.


"You're the first person to get Harry speak like that." They all laughed a bit, made even Harry chuckle.

"He's right, Elle." said Louis. "But, still, we are really sorry we didn't tell you earlier." 

"Yeah." Niall and Liam said at the same time. 

I think I already know why they didn't tell me earlier. I guess they are tired of people wanting to be their friend just because they are "One Direction". They just wanted to be normal again. And, I think, I kind of gave them that feeling. I smiled to myself as I remember Harry telling me I'm "real". My eyes met Harry's, and he looks sad. Oh no, please don't be sad. I gave him a warm smile, and his whole face just changed from hopeless to relief and happiness. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. 

"I have a secret too." I say.

"What??" all of the guys said at the same time.

"I am Hannah Montana, living the best of both worlds." The room became quiet, and all their faces became so serious. 

"Guys, I'm kidding come on!!!" I said while laughing. Oh god my tummy hurts from laughing too much, Louis' face was priceless.

"Are we okay again?" asked Zayn.

I'm not going to let them off that easily. "Sure, but in one condition."


"Sing for me."

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