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"We did it, we bashed 'em, wee Potter's the one,

And Voldy's gone mouldy so now let's have fun"

I smiled at the ghost's lighthearted rhyme and snuggled into Charlie's chest.

"You were great" he whispered. "We owned those bad guys"

"Oh yeah!" enthused Toma. "That bit where you and Charlie smashed through the window of the great hall riding dragons and killed Fenrir Greyback was just awesome!"

"It does give you a bit of an advantage, dragon riding" joked Charlie. "Though I have to say it was lucky when you jumped in front of that killing curse as it was about to hit Lupin, Tonks and Fred!"

"That was lucky" I agreed. "Imagine what would have happened if they'd died!"

"You must have killed a thousand death eaters!" Toma exclaimed excitedly.

"Most likely" Charlie said. "Oh look, it's Bill and Fleur!"

"Hey!" greeted Bill, brushing his ponytail out of his face. "How are y'all?"

"I'm great!" smiled Toma, who hero-worshipped Bill almost as much as he did Charlie.

"Can I talk to you in private Kat-er-eena?" asked Fleur suddenly.

"Umm... sure" I agreed and stood up to follow her.

"By the way Toma, Gabrielle is by the Hufflepuff table" Fleur mentioned, waggling her eyebrows.

Toma blushed bright red. "I don't want to talk to her. Why would I want to talk to her?"

"Go on Tom" begged Charlie. "Me and Bill need to go see mum"

"Fine" Toma sighed and stomped off to find Fleur's sister.

"Kat" Fleur muttered and pulled me aside.

"What is it?" I asked in concern.

"Well Kat-er-een-a" Fleur said slowly. "I think I'm pregnant!"

"What?" I squealed. "You're WHAT?"

"Pregnant" said Fleur blankly. "I told you"

"That's great!" I giggled. "Did you tell Bill yet?"

"I'm going to later on tonight" she said excitedly. "Do you think he'll be pleased?"

"Of course" I replied. It was the truth. "I want one"

"A baby?" she asked in shock.

"Yeah" I said.

"You'd better tell Charlie" she smirked.

"I dunno" I sighed. "Do you really think he's ready for all that? Marriage and babies and so on?"

Fleur raised one eyebrow. "He's a little obsessed with you. I'm sure he would"

"Rude!" I joked.

Later on that evening, Charlie and I apparated back home to our flat. It was a cute little flat, a one bedroom on the top floor of a muggle building. Charlie went into the kitchenette and opened the freezer.

"Mac and cheese?" he suggested.

"Ooh yeah, go on then"

He placed the microwave meal in the microwave and 90 seconds later we were sharing a plate of delicious, creamy, cheesy pasta, snuggled together on the sofa.

"Charlie" I whispered, kissing his cheek softly. "Do you ever think about our future?"

He chuckled. "Our... future?"

"Yeah" I persisted. "You know, like... babies and stuff"

"You're not pregnant are you?"

"No, I was just wondering, ya know?" I laughed.

Charlie frowned, considering for a moment. "Why, do you want all that stuff?"

I blushed. "Well... umm... maybe"

Charlie sighed and removed the plate of macaroni from our knees. He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips. He kissed my hand tenderly and gave me a beautiful smile.

He guided my hand to his chest and held it there, covering my stubby fingers with his warm hand.

"BomBOMBomBOM" came his heart beat.

Charlie gave me an adorable smirk that made me a little bit giddy.

"You see, Kat?" he murmured, stroking my hair gently. "You still make me feel like this after all these years"

"I love you" I giggled.

"Marry me" he breathed in my ear, his lips brushing against my foreword.

I jolted up suddenly. "What?"

"Marry me" he repeated. "I'm serious!"

"M-marry you?" I stammered. "Really? Are you sure"

"Yeah" he said calmly. "I've been sure for a long time really but I was too scared to- you know. In fact..."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box. He flipped it open and I gasped out loud.

The ring wasn't silver, it was much deeper then that: almost platinum. The ring was made of two strands which twisted together, embracing each other and in the middle was a crystal dragon.

"So?" he asked nervously. "What do you say?"

I smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger, wrapping my arms around Charlie's neck.

"Go on then"

So... I guess this is it. You've been absolutely amazing, beautiful and generally supermegafoxyawesomehot! I love you lots and I want to thank you for the votes, comments and support from all of you, in particular the amazing Storispell, who has been generally awesome. I'm really sad that this is ending because its been a wonderful journey writing this for y'all and I'd love it if you stuck around and maybe even followed me! Hahaha I've run out of interesting words meaning "good" so imma agree to see ya round... byeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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