The End

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Well, as the name suggests, this is the final chapter of this book. There will be an epilogue though, so don't worry this isn't quite the end. I will probably end up writing another Harry Potter fanfic soon so, ya know, watch this space! Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

"Do you really want to know who she is? The girl who makes my heart beat like this?" he growled and I nodded, my hand still on his chest. My brown eyes met his flecked green ones and I realised he was crying. His heartbeat was still erratic, maybe even more so then it had been before and he was breathing hard and loudly. Then, I saw the corner of his mouth turn up slightly in a smile and in that moment I knew.

"It's you Kat"

I stared at him, my mouth falling open. I was ridiculously aware of everything, my hand over his heart, the tears flowing from his eyes, the fact that it was WAY too hot in the room. I didn't know what to do or say; I just stood there for what seemed like an hour.

Charlie held my gaze for a second and I felt my pulse quicken and my knees go weak. Then he looked down, removed my hand from his chest and turned away from me.

"Well... bye then" he said in a monotone. He walked away from me, out of the clearing and into the darkness of the forest. I stood frozen as tears began to sting my eyes.


I ran through the maze, panting with fear and desperation. It was dark and cold and I was getting scared; I wished Charlie was here. Charlie... what was I gonna do about Charlie? I still had no idea what to tell him about what he said and I still was having trouble believing that he liked me. I had managed to avoid him for the last few days except for one awkward conversation that took place this morning:

"Kat!" called Charlie as I followed Fleur into the task tent. "Could I talk to you for a moment?"

I nodded and came over slowly.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm on the team of people who rescue the champions who send out red sparks" he said, not looking at me. "Just incase you- I dunno, get into trouble or..."

"Oh...Ok" I said. I remembered thinking that it had always been awkward between me and Charlie. Maybe it was for the best that we were apart.

I hadn't spoken to Charlie since, and now, as I ran through the maze trying to beat the other contestants to the cup. I saw a gap in the hedgerow and dashed through it.

A giant sphinx was perched in the middle of the maze, licking her lips.

"Ah, Katerina Bakalov" said the sphinx. "I've been expecting you!"

"B-Bakalov?" I stammered, memories flooding back of my father and mother: happy memories of baking dragon shaped cookies and muggle colouring books. Saying that word, Bakalov, felt familiar to my tongue and I knew.

"My last name is Bakalov" I murmured. "How did you know that? I didn't even know that!"

"I have my ways" purred the sphinx. "Anyway, here's the deal. I ask you a riddle. If you get the answer right, you can pass through. If you get the answer wrong- well I'm afraid I'd have to eat you! Are you ready to hear the riddle?"

"No" I protested.

"Ok!" announced the sphinx. "The riddle is this:

My first is foremost legally,

My second circles outwardly,

My third leads all in victory,

My fourth ends twice a nominee

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