The Soup Incident

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Haya! How's it going? I hope y'all like this chapter and remember to give me a vote or comment! :)

I sat down with Toma at the Hufflepuff table (that's the one with all the yellow people who are good at finding things), and began to eat my soup. It was a pretty decent soup, potatoes, onion, some kind of chicken I think, and it was a cute green colour. Suddenly, I felt something behind me and I jumped. My soup splattered everywhere and there was a high pitch squeal that sounded curiously French...

Fleur Delacour was stood behind me, her white blouse completely covered in soup. Her hair was splattered too, and it smelt like chicken. She wiped the soup off her brow which I'm afraid only spread it across the rest of her face and glared at me.

"KATERINA!" she shrieked. "WHY VOULD YOU DO THIS?"

"It was an accident" I explained sheepishly, trying not to laugh.

She grabbed me by the hair, pulling me to my feet, and slapped me across the face. I flinched.

"Hey" said Toma. "Katerina said it was an accident!"

Fleur turned to Toma. "You find this funny do you, little boy?"

Toma visibly paled. "N-no! It's not funny"

Fleur grabbed a fistful of Toma's hair and yanked it, making Toma scream in pain. His ears went all red and tears began to leak out of his eyes.

"Is this funny too, little boy?" snarled Fleur in disgust.

"Please stop" sobbed Toma.

She'd crossed the line. I grabbed her by the shoulders and flipped her on to her back. She yelped and hastily pulled her too-short skirt over her underwear. I took Toma by the arm and ran.

I had no idea where I was running until I reached the clearing. I let go of Toma and he collapsed to his knees, crying his eyes out. I continued to sprint until my head landed in Charlie's chest. He noticed the tears that were running down my face and put one arm awkwardly around my waist.

"Katerina, what happened?"

I gulped and shook my head. I couldn't explain why I was that upset, but I didn't like to see Toma crying. I was also a little worried that I was going to get in trouble after the whole Fleur thing, and that I might get kicked out of Hogwarts.

I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. Toma. I crossed the clearing to where he sat huddled and gently put an arm around his shoulder. "Toma" I murmured quietly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

He turned and faced me and his eyes were still full of tears but he was smiling. "I'm fine! Don't be silly Kat!"

I pulled him close to me and squeezed him closely, tears falling down my cheeks. He smiled as if to tell me to stop worrying so much and got up, telling me that he was going to the boat to get some sleep. Charlie was still sitting in the clearing a few feet away from us and I felt embarrassed that he'd seen me cry.

"Are you ok?" he asked with a small smile.

I flushed. "Uhm, yeah. Sorry you had to see that"

"See what?" he asked, confused.

"You know... me crying. I'm really sorry"

"Kat" he said softly and I smiled at the use of Toma's nickname for me. "It's ok to get upset. I would rather you cry then bottle it all up"

I smiled but my eyes were still watery and I struggled to keep my face from wobbling. I flung my arms around Charlie's neck and sobbed into his shoulder desperately. He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head as I explained what had happened with Fleur. When I was done he chuckled to himself.

"Don't worry, you won't get in trouble, Dumbledore'll see to that. Although, I'm sure it was hilarious"

I nodded and lay there for a few more minutes. It was the first time I'd cried where anyone else could see me since my parents had died. I never cried in front of Toma because I didn't want to show weakness, but Charlie was strong so I didn't have to be.

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