A bunch of girls

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This chapter is really short but I like it because it shows a lot about what kind of person Katerina is! Unfortunately we get no Charlie but he'll come later ;) bysebyeeee

Katerina's POV:

"This year" said Karkaroff. "We are going to Hogwarts"

"What?" People around me were muttering. "Hogwarts? Isn't that in Britian?"

But all I could think about was my mother telling me about it.

"Hogwarts is a school like Durmstrang" she'd say. "I went there when I was a child! Maybe some day you'll go there, I don't want you at Beuxbatons! But I'm sure Durmstrang will have accepted girls by then, it's so medieval this all male thing. But if you do go to Hogwarts, say hi to cousin Sybil for me"

I wondered if cousin Sybil still worked at Hogwarts. I wanted to find out.

"Only people who are of age, that is to say 17 years or older, will be permitted to enter the competition" Karkaroff continued. "Therefore, only students who exceed that age limit will be accompanying us to Hogwarts"

I froze. I had turned 17 almost a whole year ago on the 11th of October. But Toma was only 11. He wasn't old enough to enter! That meant leaving him all alone in the castle for a long amount of time for his first term at Hogwarts, which frankly was not something I was prepared to do.

"Toma and Katerina Durmstrang and Victor Krum, please see me afterwords" Karkaroff ordered, his weak moustache turning up as he enjoyed the cruel joke. The rest of the students were sniggering and Toma's face was flushed like a tomato. Not content to accept that Toma and I had no surname, Karkaroff had nicknamed us Durmstrang to make a point of the fact that we lived at school all year round. It was embarrassing and downgrading and we both hated being called it.

The rest of the school filed out and the three of us stood awkwardly behind. Well, Toma and I stood awkwardly, Krum strutted and waved at his fanclub.

"Toma" smiled Karkaroff, the corners of his mouth spreading into a thick smirk. "You will be accompanying us to Hogwarts"

I glanced at Toma. He didn't look best pleased: he would have to spend his first term of school with a bunch of 7th years he barely knew. Then again, selfishly, I was glad that I could go without leaving him behind.

"Why am I coming?" Whined Toma.

"I want you to have specific training with Albus Dumbledoor. You must learn Occlumencery" snapped Karkaroff. It was funny, but even though my brother was much younger then me, Karkaroff pushed him a lot harder. He was always making him work on Divination and Occlumencery, bringing teachers in from all over the world to look at him. It was because of Toma's gift. He could make predictions sometimes, prophecies would spurt out of him randomly as if someone was speaking through his body. Karkaroff wanted the gift to be as developed as possible, but most of all he wanted it to be secret.

"Katerina" said Karkaroff, turning suddenly on me. "I am only letting you come because I fear you will damage the school whilst I'm gone. You are not to enter the tournament under ANY circumstances"

I nodded, knowing that the first part of what he said was true. I'd been a bit of a reble at Durmstrang, and had caused a lot of trouble, including destroying the second floor bathrooms, setting Karkaroff's owl free, spray painting a picture of me riding a dragon over Grindlewald's mark on the school walls and putting make up on Krum whilst he slept.

However, I was fully intent on entering the Triwizard Tournament. Even if I had to do it at midnight, I was at least going to try.

"Victor" Karkaroff's voice became more pleasant as he spoke to his favourite. "I hope you will enter the tournament. I'm sure you will make us proud"

I mimed gagging into my hands.

Two days later we were packed and ready for Hogwarts. I had no idea how long we'd be gone so I'd packed all my clothes and advised Toma to do the same. It wasn't as if we had that many clothes: the school lent us enough money for uniform and textbooks providing we pay it back when we start working.

"Katerina" said Karkaroff, annoyed. "What did you do to the sail?"

"The sail?" I asked. "What sail?"

"The one on the boat you-"

The rest of Karkaroff's sentence was cut off by a large SPLASH! All eyes turned to the lake to see a large, black boat rising from the surface.

"Awesome!" I yelled, running toward the yacht. "It's massive!"

Karkaroff sighed. "I will get on first. Everyone, line up behind me."

I grabbed Toma's hand and pulled him behind Karkaroff. Krum cleared his throat.

"Let Victor through" hollered Karkaroff. "The boy has a cold!"

Krum sniffed overdramatically.

"Sissy boy" I hissed, elbowing him hard in the ribs. "Playing up your illness are we?"

"You can talk" he hissed back. "Aren't you banned from entering the tournament?"

I scoffed. "You really think that'll stop me?"

"Kat, no!" begged Toma. "It's dangerous!"

I sighed and turned to face Toma.

"I know it's dangerous Tom. But I've got to prove I can do this! Besides, when have I ever listened to Karkaroff?"

"I suppose" Toma agreed. "Just don't get hurt"

I was about to make a comment about Krum's face being more dangerous then any tournament (ooh) when his fan club arrived.

The sad thing about Krum's fan club is that they're all boys. The pathetic lapdogs should be ashamed of themselves, following Krum around like a drooling puppy just because he's famous. They were worse then a bunch of giggly teenage girls hanging around their crush: they spent every waking moment trying to wriggle their way into his good books.

"Hey Victor" gushed Aleksandar, a skinny kid with thin hair and glasses. Seriously, Karkaroff moans on and on about having a girl (aka me) in school, he should take a look at this guy.

"Hi" grunted Krum, showing no interest whatsoever.

"Are you going to enter the Tournament?" simpered Lyben, his nose waggling like an over excited rabbit.

"Of course" said Krum harshly. The fanclub didn't seem to notice his tone, they were too busy trying not to wet themselves with excitement.

"Compared to the Quidditch World Cup, it should be a piece of cake" Aleksandar said rather breathlessly. Gross.

I grinned over at the fanclub. "How many of you are going to show Vicky here your bravery and enter the tournament?"

A nervous gasp ran around the group. Lyben muttered something about being a pacifist, and Aleksandar brought up his asthma.

Seriously? And there was me thinking I was the only girl at Durmstrang.

The Dragon WhispererDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora