Night in the forbidden forest

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"Are you seriously OK with this?" asked Charlie, his forehead scrunched up in concern. "She made you sound horrible!"

Charlie had sent me a message through none other then Harry Potter himself when he'd seen the article in the Daily Prophet. I had a weird feeling of excitement when I got the message, partly because Harry Potter spoke to me and he was famous but also because it felt pretty cool being sent secret messages by Charlie, like some kind of James Bond film. I was actually quite touched that Charlie was concerned enough about me to check on how I was taking my new found notoriousity.

"Yeah of course" I grinned. "Why would I care what some bug in a pair of oversized specs thinks about me?"

"But what about everyone at school?" asked Charlie, absentmindedly chucking a dead fish to a dragon that was squawking and looking at me in concern.

"Well unless you mean Flue Doolaceurine and Cedric Diggsworth no one really cares" I smiled. "Some blond kid from Slytherin was making fun of me the other day and that crazy teacher turned him in to a ferret."

Charlie grinned. "My mum was having a bit of a rant about you yesterday actually. She's worried that Harry will get sick from being around you or something"

"Ah well" I sighed. "You figured out my master plan"

Charlie laughed and then there was an awkward silence. You know the kind of silence when you feel like you should say something but you can't think of anything to say an really you can't be bothered? Well it was like that.

"Uhm so" said Charlie and I cursed him silently for trying to de-silence the awkward silence. "Are you ready for the first task?"

"Um yeah" I said. "It's dragons isn't it?"

"Yup" said Charlie, popping the P. "I think everyone knows by now, so there's no use pretending you don't"

"I guess" I smiled. "Well dragons are easy for me anyway"

"What's it like" asked Charlie. "Being able to talk to dragons?"

I considered for a moment. "It's like I can hear their voice in my head. Like going crazy but not going crazy"

"Wow..." said Charlie sarcastically. "You sure have a way with words.

I yawned and suddenly realised how tired I was. It was pretty dark.

"Hey, you'd better go and sleep" mumbled Charlie. "I'd get up but I'm comfy."

"I might just sleep here" I suggested jokingly.

"Go on then" said Charlie.

"Seriously? Out here?" I asked him.

"Sure. I do" he replied and as if to demonstrate, lay back and closed his eyes. I did the same and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up with my head resting on Charlie's chest. I'd obviously used him as a pillow at some point. I just hoped I hadn't dribbled.

"Oh good, you're awake" said Charlie.

I sat up suddenly. Charlie was awake? And I'd been sleeping on him? Whilst he was awake?

"Uhh, yeah" said Charlie, whose face had gone red like his hair. "Uhm, I would have pushed you off but it would have woken you up so..."

"Oh, yeah, no, thanks..." I trailed off. "But umm... I'd better go to school now, you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day..."

"Oh yeah, definitely" he said awkwardly. "Well... bye"

I half ran out of the forest, not bothering to brush my hair or get changed. Why the hell did I sleep in a forest? How tired must I have been?

When I got to the great hall, Toma was already eating. He was sitting with a group of kids from Hogwarts, laughing and chatting away. I couldn't go and sit with them, I didn't want to be the embarrassing older sister. It was probably the first time Toma had really interacted with kids his own age and I didn't want to ruin that.

I slipped round the back to find somewhere to sit on my own (A/N: pretending he's beside me, all alone I walk with him til morning... no? no one seen les miserables? ok...)

I smiled excitedly as the plates began to fill up by magic. I would never get used to this! I attacked my bacon and eggs so much that I didn't notice the person standing behind me until her silver-blond hair tickled my shoulder.

"Can you not eat more elegantly?" asked Fleur, her stupid accent burning my ears. "Eet is putting me off my food"

"No" I said with my mouth full, whilst continuing to shovel mushrooms onto my fork.

"Katerina!" insisted Fleur. "Do you not have any vish to be ladylike?"

"Fraid not" I chuckled, and Fleur huffed and stormed away.

Hmm did that create tension? Idk.. But I don't think Fleur would like Katerina all that much...

The Dragon WhispererNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ