The First Task

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Guys I was just reading through my authors note for this and it's long and pointless xD so if you don't want to hear me ranting about how stressed I am, skip it xD

Hey there, this is late... I'm sorry... I really am... *sobs* but my Christmas concert is in 3 weeks (weird I know) and I've just been running around trying to prepare and "Ok so I'll do choir at lunch and then... jazz band or more choir? Which needs improving more? Uhh, if I do the first 15 minutes of choir then ill do jazz and- oh but wait its young leaders... Uhh, ill just have to eat later then... Umm if I'm home by 10 I can eat then and then shower and... Oh crap homework... Gets phone call from music teacher.. Oh wait I was supposed to be at rehearsal today break? What for? Brass group? What brass group? Oh crapola... Uhm, homework... Ok I need to photocopy that score and re-arrange my music lesson... And I need to sleep... Nah sleep can wait... Oh wait, wattpad..."

And that is every day at the moment.. I int good under stress.. XD

If you skipped, the actual story starts here:

It was storming, and the weather outside pretty much reflected the mood in the tent. Cedric was pacing back and forth, Fleur was glaring at everyone as if they'd insulted her grandmother and Harry was sitting on the floor, curled into a tight ball with his head on his knees.

I was struggling to maintain a calm exterior myself. I felt like I was about to puke and my mind kept running through hypothetical situations that mostly resulted in me being eaten by a dragon in front of hundreds of people.

Ludo Bagman walked in to the tent. "Ah, you're all here. Let's fill you in then" he beamed. "Now, I'm going to offer each of you this bag"- he held up a purple bag- "from which you will each select a small model of the thing you're about to face! Your task is to... ah collect the golden egg!" He smiled mysteriously as if we didn't all already know that the task was about dragons.

Bagman held out the bag to Fleur. "Ladies first"

I tried not to be offended and merely gritted my teeth, but it was harder especially when he went to Diggory next.

He came to me last. I glared at him as I reached in to the bag and pulled out a tiny Hungarian Horntail.

I recognised it instantly. I knew it from all the time I'd spent in the library at Durmstrang, reading every dragon book they'd had over and over. And now I was actually going to see one. I felt a rush of anticipation, nerves and excitement, and it was awesome.

The next 45 minutes went so quickly they may as well have been 45 seconds. I stood in the tent listening to the cheers of the crowd all the time situations running through my mind. What if the dragon didn't like me? What if I lost my ability?

And then I was being brought in to the arena and the crowd was going wild, some cheering but most booing. I searched for Toma's face in the audience and he was there, right at the front- but wait! Next to him sat Charlie and they were both cheering like a pair of crazy people!

I grinned and waved, loving the feeling the crowd was giving me. I felt so at home, like this was where I belonged. Then, they unleashed the dragon.

He was pretty freaking massive, with red scales, massive teeth and nostrils the size of biscuit tins which spewed smoke like chimneys. He roared and took a swipe at me, but I rolled out of the way.

"Kill the puny human!" he yelled in my head.

"No!" I screamed out loud.

"Yes, kill- wait, did you... hear that?" asked the dragon in my head.

"Yes" I breathed. "I'm the dragon whisperer!"

His face contorted with rage. "You cannot be!" he rasped. "The dragon whisperers died!"

"I know" I said. "But now they're back!"

"No!" shrieked the dragon. He took another hit at me and this one came closer, ripping a hole in my sleeve.

I didn't understand why this dragon hated me. The Hungarian Horntails were the most trusted companions of the original dragon whisperers, the dragons they were most famous for training- I knew that from the picture book my parents would read me. Maybe that was why-

"Hey, dragon?" I asked suddenly. "I hope you'll excuse my asking but how old are you?"

"Older then you could possibly imagine with your puny human mind!" roared the dragon. "I was born when the real dragon whisperers were alive!"

"Is that why?" I wondered. "Is it because you don't think I'm as good?"

"You're not as good" snarled the dragon. "You do not deserve to call yourself a dragon whisperer!"

I sighed. "I know I'll never be as good as them" I said quietly, well in my head quietly. "But don't you want to bring them back?"

"Bring them... back?" asked the dragon.

"If you kill me now, there will never be any more dragon whisperers again" I said. "Is that what you want?"

The dragon frowned. "No"

"Then could I please just get that golden egg?" I pleaded.

If I didn't know better, I would have sworn the dragon smiled. He moved aside, leaving the path clear for me. "I suppose so"

I carefully grabbed the golden egg, trying not to break any of the others, and held it above my head. The crowd were deathly silent for a moment then they began to cheer the loudest I had ever heard. I literally couldn't stop grinning.

Ludo Bagman patted me on the back and pushed me to the front, where the judges were sitting. "That was... amazing Katerina. You were like 15 minutes faster then everyone else!"

Madame Maxime waved her wand and a large silver 10 flew out of it. I gasped in disbelief and I saw Toma squealing.

Barty Crouch was next. He put up 10 aswell! I almost fainted.

If I'd been emotional before, it was absolutely nothing compared to when my idol, Albus Dumbledore gave me 10. I actually started crying in front of everyone which was totally embarrassing but still. Bagman also gave me 10 and then it came to Karkaroff.

He stared at me for a few seconds, then turned to Krum who was sitting nearby. He exchanged a look with Krum and sent a 9 up in to the air.

A collective gasp went through the arena. Bagman fell off his chair and Crouch gave him a disapproving look, but turned to Karkaroff and glared at him as well. Madame Maxime muttered very loudly "What are you, crazy? She's your own student!"

But I really didn't care because I knew I didn't even deserve a 9. I'd cheated because I used an ability I was born with, an ability that none of the other champions had. But, while I was probably supposed to be feeling guilty, I couldn't help feeling pretty happy anyway.

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