It's a mystery..

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Katerina: the dark horse of the competition or just a manipulative snake?

The Durmstrang champion in the Triwizard Tournament, Katerina, (whom I'm assured has no surname), has been doing suspiciously well in the competition. In the first task she was awarded an almost-perfect score after she beat the dragon after just 5 minutes- but no-one knows how. We all saw the dragon attacking her for a few minutes until suddenly, without Katerina using her wand or speaking at all. Was this merely an advanced non-verbal spell or could it be the result of something much more sinister?

We know Durmstrang has a historical association with the dark arts. Headmaster Igor Karkaroff is very much suspected as an ex-death eater of you-know-who and it is widely known that murderous psychopath Gellert Grindelwald was schooled there in his youth. Is this the secret behind Katerina's success?

In last week's second task, Katerina was the only champion to rescue her hostage within the hour that was the time limit. She used what seemed to be muggle technology to retrieve, not only her 11 year old brother Toma, (Merlin knows why he's even at Hogwarts, since the other pupils in his year stayed at Durmstrang), but Gabrielle Delacour, putting her in an influential position over the Beuxbatons champion (Fleur actually told Katerina that "if Toma ever wants to marry my sister, he has my blessing"!)

If, at the start of the tournament, you'd ask me who I least expected to be Triwizard Champion, I wouldn't have hesitated to say Katerina. After all, compared to the other contestants such as the boy who lived Harry Potter, Katerina seems rather bland and... clumsy. When asked whether she had a chance at winning the competition, her distracted reply was "maybe". I should warn her though- any foul play will be picked up on by the Triwizard supervisors eventually.

"Codswallop" exclaimed Fleur, tossing the newspaper on to the fire. "Je le trouve affreux!"

"Jer la truever dragon poop" Charlie said dryly, his English accent sounding just peachy with the messy French he was speaking.

"She's saying really mean things about Kat" Toma complained.

"I think it's hilarious" I smirked, but in my mind I was nervous. Skeeter wasn't far off the truth about the first task- dragon whispering wasn't dark magic but it wasn't a skill and none of the others had the ability to do that.

"I got a letter from Gabrielle" Fleur said, smiling as she pulled it out of her pocket. "She says hi to you all"

"Great kid" grinned Charlie.

Fleur nodded seriously. "Toma, you can marry her whenever you want"

I laughed as Toma's face flushed an angry red. "Stop bullying me"

"What?" asked Fleur. "He can. By the way Charlie, when's you and Kat-er-een-a's big day?"

Now it was my turn to blush. "What?"

Charlie looked sheepish. "We're not... you know...-"

"Why ever not?" gasped Fleur. "Get married as soon as possible, it's wrong to live in sin for too long"

"Why are Kat and Charlie living in sin?" asked Toma, tilting his head to one side. "Did they kill someone?"

"We're not" Charlie cut in as Fleur opened her mouth to speak. "I think maybe you misunderstood about- well- me and Kat. We're not-"

"You haven't slept together?" cried Fleur. "You must have been dating for at least two months!"

"We aren't dating!" I hollered.

"What?" asked Fleur. "Je ne comprende pas"

"We're just friends" Charlie said quickly.

"B-but" she stammered. "You have so much chemistry. I thought for sure-"

"What do you mean chemistry?" asked Toma. "Do you love Kat, Charlie?"

Charlie went bright red. "N-no that's absurd!"

Toma and Fleur looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You're a really bad lier" Toma giggled.

"There is a girl that Charlie likes" I smirked. "I heard him telling Hagrid about her"

"You heard that?" chocked Charlie. "H-how much did you hear?"

"I heard that she was 17" I began, leaning foreword and making my voice sound like a gossiping old lady. "And she only likes you as a friend but you like her as more but you don't want to ruin your friendship. And you said she was perfect"

Charlie looked like he was trying not to be sick. "A-and what else?"

"Nothing" I shrugged. "So Charlie- whose the lucky girl?"

"It's um, uh" Charlie stammered.

"How old are you again, Katerina?" asked Fleur with a sly smile.

"17" I said absent mindedly, still trying to figure out who the girl was. "How old's that Hermione girl Viktor's obsessed with?"

"15" said Toma.

"Oh. How old's Diggory's girlfriend? The pretty Asian one?"

"16" said Fleur, rolling her eyes. "How old was Charlie's girl again?"

"17" I sighed. "Give us a clue Charlie"

"How old are you again?" asked Fleur, laughing.

"17, you already asked me that" I muttered. "Maybe she's not from Hogwarts. She can't be from Durmstrang, there's no girls there, well except for me of course, are there any pretty girls at Beuxbatons Fleur?"

"Plenty" she sniggered. "You're a blind idiot. Clearly, Charlie likes-"

"Uh, anyway, enough of that game" said Charlie hurriedly. "Let's just play I-spy"

And so we played I-spy but I wasn't gonna give up. I was going to figure out who Charlie's girl was even if I had to ask every girl at Beuxbatons...

Ahahahahaha!! Has anyone got any idea who the mystery girl could possibly be? Nope, non at all? That was fun, almost giving poor Charlie a heart attack! Luckily for him, Kat's so naive she has absolutely no idea... see ya next time my precious children!

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