The second task

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Well hi guys! Do you see the new cover? Do you like it? Anyways here's ya chapter...

It was the morning of the second challenge and I felt sick. I was so nervous about everything, what could go wrong and how dangerous this was that it wasn't until about 20 minutes before the tournament, when I was zipping up the back of the scuba diving suit Charlie had got for me, that I realised Toma was missing.

I searched all over for him, looking in the ship, the castle and even the forest. I was reaching a maximum capacity of 'worried' and about to enter into absolute panic when it hit me.

"We've taken what you'll sorely miss"

Toma was the one I'd miss the most. He was the only family I had left and the fact that some fish-woman who couldn't even speak properly would dare to take him away from me made me really really angry.

Some mermaids were gonna die tonight...

I slammed on the diving mask, my eyes full of fire, and marched to the arena. Charlie was waiting for me outside the door but I shoved him aside, consumed by maternal rage and determination to rescue my baby brother.

I stormed into line besides the other contestants. Fleur aimed a judgemental glare at me but I was way to angry to be annoyed. If that makes sense. I didn't pay attention to the speech at all- how could I when I was so busy feeling sick with fear for Toma and fury at whoever had taken him away?- and instead concentrated my efforts into stopping myself from jumping into the water right now and killing every mermaid I could find.

"-precisely one hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three. One... two... THREE!" yelled Bagman.

I sprinted towards the water and dived in as the whistle went off and the crowd went wild, completely disregarding the other contestants and the icy water that only added to the numbness of my body. I had only one goal as I sped through the murky lake: to rescue Toma.

It was all a blur as I travelled deeper and deeper into the lake, unsure of how much time had passed. I cut my way through Grindylows and grappled with giant seaweed, never tiring and never slowing down in my quest. The tournament meant nothing; I needed to find Toma.

I snapped out of for a second when I heard Bagman's voice from above the surface.

"Unfortunately Fleur Delacour has been forced to pull out due to an injury."

I took a moment to let this information process before I carried on. I didn't care anymore.

Suddenly I heard voices. They were singing the song from the egg, an eery choir in perfect unison. I swam towards the sound furiously, instinct telling me that Toma was near. The sound was coming from a village that was deathly still. I powered through the village in one last mighty push until I saw the massive statue of a mermaid with people tied to it.

I felt my rage disappear and my eyes fill with tears under my scuba mask as I looked at him. He was completely still, his childlike face peaceful as if sleeping and I could tell he was breathing by the way his chest moved slowly up and down. I hurriedly found my wand in my suit's pocket and cast a spell to untie his bounds. I grabbed his wrist, wanting nothing more then to get him safely out of here when something stopped me from leaving.

Fleur's younger sister Gabrielle was tied next to him. She was so young, and although I remembered how she was a spoiled brat and she'd made fun of me before (A/N: 2 chapters ago on Boxing Day with the lake? Remember?) and how her sister had been a complete biatch ever since I met her, I couldn't just leave her there. Fleur had been injured. What if noone ever came for her? How would I feel if that was Toma and I couldn't save him?

I had very little choice, as no other champions seemed to be coming. I cut Gabrielle's ropes as well and held both children protectively to my chest as I swam upwards as fast as I could. Mermaids on the sea bed were schreeching at me but I chose to ignore them, propelling us further and further towards the light that represented safety for my brother.

There was a crash as I emerged from the lake. I was suddenly freezing, shivering for the first time. I shook Toma desperately and felt him stir as he regained consciousness and Gabrielle coughed as she came round, her blond curtain of hair plastered to her face with icy water.

Charlie was there, he put a warm towel around my shoulders and hugged all three of us. Toma was still drowsy and trembling from cold, and Gabrielle was half sobbing as I dried her off. There was a shriek from behind me and I looked round.

Fleur was standing in her swimsuit with a blanket wrapped around her. Her eyes were red and puffy and her body shook with sobs. She stood for a second and I saw the cast on her leg and her broken arm.

"Gabrielle" she choked. "I thought- I thought"

"Fleur" sniffled Gabrielle.

Fleur pulled her sister into a tight hug, both of them crying noisily. Then Fleur turned slowly to me.

"You- you saved her?" she asked, her voice coming out in a strangled gasp.

I looked at my feet. "Well... I dunno about that-"

"You saved her!" squealed Fleur, pulling me into the hug. I tried to escape but she wasn't having it- she had a pretty firm grip.

Fleur was beaming at me, her eyes sparkling.

"Even though I hated you, you still saved Gabrielle" she exclaimed. "Thank you so much and... sorry."

I looked at her in confusion.

"I'm sorry for making fun of you and saying you looked like a boy" she said sadly. "Can you ever vorgeeve me?"

Her bottom lip was wobbling and her blue eyes were filling with tears. I smiled- well at least I hope it looked something like a smile- and nodded.

"Of course I can" I told her. "And I'm sorry for spilling soup over you and calling you a brat"

Fleur hugged me tightly. "Thank you again! And if Toma ever vants to marry my sister, he 'as my blessing"

"Uhm, thanks" I grinned awkwardly. "Anyway, how's the task going? Are the other champions back yet?"

"No" sighed Fleur. "You were the first back. You only just made it within the 'our so ze others are 10 minutes late now!"

"Oh" I said. "Well, I'm sure they'll be back soon"

Fleur nodded in agreement. "You know Kat-er-eena, I think you might actually win zis tournament"

"Maybe" I said, pulling a stray bug out of Toma's hair. "Maybe"

Well then? Whose surprised? Can Fleur and Kat be friends after all? Your thoughts please! Also, happy Christmas! What's the best thing you got? I got Sims 3 seasons because I'm the kind of person who buys a game and then pays so that the little people in the game can get cold and rained on and be miserable! Yay! (No, seriously I did :D)

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