The veela the vampire and Harry

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Katerina's POV:

"The champion for Durmstrang" read Dumbledore in a clear voice. "Is Katerina"

I was sitting in the waiting room a few minutes later, his words still circulating my brain. I was in the Triwizard Tornament! I knew I was meant to be all nervous and scared but at the moment I was just ridiculously excited! I kept laughing or squealing every few moments and I was pretty sure that the Hogwarts teacher who was looking nervously at me thought I was a nutter. Then again, she couldn't talk. She had large scary eyes, a tangled mass of curly grey hair and round glasses that made her look like a bat.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "So you were ummm... Professor Trawlaner?"

"Trawlawny" the woman corrected. "Sybil Trawlawny"

I gasped. "Aunt Sybil?" I asked. I knew I was right, how many other Sybils were there in the world?

"Who are you?" she asked suddenly. "What's your name"

"Katerina" I said slowly. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe some kind of emotional scene with long lost relatives tears and hugs. What I wasn't expecting was for her to make a little shrieking sound in the back of her throat and pretty much running away.

"Umm.. Bye then" I said to the air where she'd been standing.

Suddenly someone else swept into the room, almost giving me a heart attack. It was a Beuxbatons girl, with long silver-blond hair and crystal blue eyes. She looked like some fairy princess and so of course I instantly distrusted her.

"Fleur Delacour" she said with a heavy French accent. She looked at me as if I was a stain on her crisp white table cloth. "And you are?"

"Katerina" I said blandly.

"How... Charming" she said, then stuck her nose in the air and made several huffing noises.

There was an awkward silence where the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Then, a tall boy with short brown hair and hazel eyes walked in.

"Hi" he said to Fleur. Then he looked at me. "Umm.. Hi"

"Hey" I said, then pulled my wand out of my pocket and twirled it aimlessly between my fingers.

"So, are you nervous?" Cedric asked Fleur. "About the Tornament I mean"

"No" she laughed. "Don't be silly! It'll be, how you say, easy as the pie"

I wondered how much of her accent was real and how much she was putting on. Then the door opened again and in walked Harry Potter.

He was just how my textbook portrayed him. Skinny, with messy black hair and glasses and also really short. I mean, he was still taller then me but I'm just small.

Of course Fleur obviously didn't pay attention in school. She didn't even recognise him. "Are you a messenger? Do zey vant us?"

"Uhh.. No" said Harry nervously. "I kind of have to take part in the tournament"

"What?" I asked. "But you're only, what, 11?

"14" he said with a hint of offense.

Dumbledore entered the room. "I'm afraid Harry, that you'll simply have to take part. Now listen everyone, you have newspaper interviews to go to on Tuesday"

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