The Goblet of Fire

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Katerina's POV:

It was our third day on board the yacht and I was getting fed up. How hard would it have been to apperate to Britain? The sissy boys weren't helping either. Lyben was asking "Are we nearly there yet" every two seconds, Aleksander was throwing up over the side and Krum was laying in bed being pampered by his fan club because of his 'illness' whilst he are ice cream and sniffled. Ugh. Karkaroff wasn't helping either, he was ordering us about from his seat on the comfiest chair.

I sighed as Toma and I studied the map for the fourth time today.

"Maybe we're here?" sighed Toma, pointing at a tiny spot in the English sea.

"Nah we can't be, we'd be able to see France if that was the case" I said grumpily.

"Oh ok... Are we lost Kat?" asked Toma suddenly.

I was torn. On the one hand I didn't want to lie to my brother, but on the other I didn't want to upset or scare him. My protective instincts won.

"Not lost" I smiled. "We just need to find the portal and we'll be there!"

Toma smiled at me. "You're a terrible lier Kat"

I laughed but I was a little shook up. My brother wasn't so little anymore. He didn't need me to pretend everything was ok, he was a big boy now.

"So where SHOULD we be?" asked Toma.

I pointed to a spot on the map, a tiny dot near the coast of Scotland. "There. That's where the portal is"

He frowned for a moment. "I don't think we're there?"

"Can't you use your futuristic magic fortune telling stuff to work out where we are?" I whined.

"No" he laughed. "Afraid not"

I already knew that of course: I'd single handedly raised the kid since I was 6 but it was worth a try.

"Hey" yelled Krum. "I can see something!"

We raced over to where he was pointing out of the window. The air was refracted around what seemed to be an invisible see through door. The only reason you could tell it was there was because the scene behind it was blurred, as if looking through steamed up glasses.

"That's it!" I yelled. "That's the portal!"

We turned the ship into the haze. There was a sudden whooshing sound as we were sucked through and thrown onto a black lake.

"We're here" said Karkaroff non-comitantly. "Get out"

I grabbed Toma's hand and pulled him to the steps. Karkaroff lead us towards where a cluster of people were waiting.

"Dumbledore" he called in a voice which was a lot warmer then the tone he usually spoke to me in. "How are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"

A tall man with a long white beard stepped foreword and I recognised him immediately from my textbook. He was Dumbledore, the man who ha defeated Grindlewald and saved all of Bulgaria. He was respected as a hero in Durmstrang, after all Grindlewald had terrorised us in the day, and killed many people's parents and grandparents.

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff" said Dumbledore politely.

The two headmasters shook hands then Karkaroff smiled. "Dear old Hogwarts! How good it is to be here, how good... Viktor, come into the warmth..." He said. Trust him to show off Krum as soon as he gets here. Krum simpered at Karkaroff, observing the excited squeals that were coming from Hogwarts students, then turned to face me and smirked. What a lot of losers.

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