Charlie and the dragon

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Hi!!! I hope you enjoy this update!! Please tell me if this is too confusing o.O never tried to write anything with a storyline before xD

Katerina's POV:

"Toma" I called. "Toma, where are you?"

My 11 year old brother suddenly leapt from behind the bushes. "Boo!"

I feigned a heart attack. "You scared me!"

"Hey Kat?" He asked. "Can we get my school stuff today?"

For nearly 6 years now, Toma had lived in a private room at Durmstrang school of magic, being taught Divination by Karkaroff himself. But now he was old enough to be an actual pupil, and learn other subjects. I was going into my 7th year at Durmstrang and was still the only girl ever to have entered the school.

"What's that?" said Toma curiously, gazing up at a dark shape. I squinted to make out what appeared to be a large mountain which definitely hadn't been there yesterday.

"Let's go and find out!"

We approached the shape cautiously. As we got closer we began to see that it was not actually a mountain, but some sort of creature. A dragon. I recognised it from a textbook in Care of Magical Creatures as a Hungarian Horntail.

I began to run, not away from it as would have been smart but towards it. I guess my obsession with dragons got in the way of my common sense.

"Kat!" screamed Toma as he saw what I hadn't. A group of dragon trainers, armed with fire extinguishers. All of them pointed at me.

"Oops" I said in my best frilly innocent little girl voice. "I must have mistaken it for a bus!"

Unfortunately, I'm short and stocky, more muscled then, well, a muscle, and covered in scars from head to toe. I can't really pull off cute anymore.

The dragon trainers lifted their extinguishers up to shoot when someone came rushing onto the scene.

"Guys!" he said sharply, and I understood his English from the classes we had to take in Durmstrang. "What are you doing?"

"Is she yours Charlie?" asked a thick man with exactly two teeth. I was about to reply that, excuse me, I didn't belong to anybody thank you very much, when I remembered I didn't want to die.

"She's... my second cousin" said the person. He stepped closer and I got a look at him. He was slightly shorter then average, though I can't talk, with untidy ginger hair and tattoos all down his muscled arms. He looked like a weightlifter or something. He was wearing camouflage arms trousers like me and a white top.

"Sure!" laughed two-tooth. "She ain't ginger Charlie!"

"Fine" sighed Charlie. "If you must know I'm babysitting her"

The men all burst out with laughter, high-fiving each other and teasing Charlie. I couldn't believe he was actually willing to make himself look stupid for me.

"He's a nice guy" said a voice in my head. Uh-oh, that's generally not a good sign. Nevertheless, I decided to answer it.

"Either that or he just enjoys getting made fun of"

"You heard me?" asked the voice in my head. Hmm... I'll call it VIMH.

"Uhm, yeah I heard you. I'm in your head"

VIMH gasped. "You're it, aren't you?"

"It?" I asked in my head, not out loud cos I didn't want anyone to know I was mad.

"The Dragon Whisperer" gasped VIMH.

"Wait what? I don't whisper to drains! I've never even seen one apart from that one up there" I head-yelled.

The Dragon WhispererWhere stories live. Discover now