A Proposal?

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"Did she leave already?" Tony asked when he had walked into the room.

"Yeah, about ten minutes ago." Steve told him, still not looking away from the spot that you had vanished from. He still had so many questions and he wished you would have stayed to at least answer some of them.

"Yeah, so did Thor. Did she tell you about her and Barnes?" Tony asked cautiously as he now stood beside Steve.

"Yeah, she did." He replied, still not shifting his gaze. Before leaving, you told Steve everything about you and Bucky, everything from your time together with hydra, up until the moment the two of you found each other again. Yes, you also told him how Bucky's process was going and how he was improving, but you needed to make sure Steve was okay with you now being with his best friend.

"And you're okay with it?" Tony asked softly, not wanting to anger his teammate but still wanting and answer on the issue.

"I actually couldn't be happier, I'm glad they found each other again. I just wish..." Steve sighed out, he wasn't entirely sure how he felt. He was happy that you were being Bucky happiness that he deserved, but he wished you were able to do that at the compound. He missed his friend and desperately wanted to be a part of his life again. He wanted his family back.

"You wish they were here instead of hidden away." Tony stated, knowing he was right and knew enough about Steve to know that he really was feeling that way.

"After my mom died, Bucky was the only family I had, then when I met y/n, she was the closest thing I'd felt to family since then. I guess you could say I want my family back." Steve told Tony with a sigh as he finally looked over at his teammate.

"They'll be back Cap, you'll see. Just give it time." Tony told him wish a small pat on the back. "Hey, who knows, maybe they'll come back with a little Barnes kid!" He continued sounding more excited than he planned, causing Steve to give him his full attention now.

"Did she say she was... Umm..." Steve stuttered, not really knowing what he would do with the answer.

"Pregnant?" Tony smirked when he saw Steve blush a bit at just the word. "She didn't say she was, but I'm sure they'll have some surprise for us when they get back." He told Steve as he began walking away a bit, turning back to tell Steve one more thing before he left. "By the way, I already called dibs on uncle Tony, so you can be grandpa Steve."

"Tony, that doesn't make any sense." Steve laughed as he watched Tony almost leave.

"Doesn't have to Capsicle, nothing makes sense anymore!" Tony shouted before finally leaving Steve alone with his thoughts.

"You got that right." Steve sighed to himself before walking off to start training the new group of Avengers with Natasha.


"She is feeling death Sargent, she should be thanking us for preparing her. At least now, the feeling will be familiar, when it comes by your own hand that is"

"Bucky please! You can't leave me, your all I have!"

"You let my project escape Mr. Barnes. Start the procedure again, his training begins tomorrow, then we will put him on ice"

"Bring me the girl with the glowing eyes."

"Hydra made you my mission, and now, I'm going to finish it."

Bucky had tried to sleep while you were gone, but the fact that you're sleeping spell wasn't being used on him, and the fact that you weren't even there for him to hold to feel safe, brought the terrible nightmares back. Normally he would just wake up, but this time they involved you. At first it all just started off as a dream, a dream about the future he was planning with you, but his future was haunted by his past. Visions of Zola bringing you to the brink of death so that he could get Bucky to show his dark side. Memories of the brainwashing, of Zola constantly telling him that your death would be by his own hand. Your tear stained face after you had been shot by one of the guards and Bucky told you to escape while he still could. Finally Pierce making you his mission, the mission he never finished.

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