Chapter Twenty-Eight "Mark me."

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^Just wanted to give a shout out to her because she put a smile on my face today^

I open the door to my office, staring intently at all the paperwork on my desk. Piles, and piles upon stacks lay on my desk, waiting for my assistance. I groan, an not mentally but physically making a chuckle fall out of someone's lips and by my ear, a shiver running down my back.

I turn around to see Gray smiling in amusement at me. "How are you today Paris? Stressed by the paperwork, eh?" His accent to his pack is thick in his voice as he speaks fluently.

"Haven't even started. I guess being an Alpha means paperwork." I laugh lightly, moving towards my desk and sitting in my chair.

"How's Xavier?" He asks, seeming like he genuinely cares but Gray has always been like that. He's always been the good guy, but no doubt he could be possessive.. he could be, mean.

"Good, he's actually resting right now. He passed out in the hospital after I told him I was going to take him home and-" I get cut off by Gray's shocked tone of voice.

"Home?" He questions to which I nod my head slowly to. "You do understand that home means share between the two of you? That home isn't just a house you live in? A home is where you start a family, love each other, make good memories in... you know that, right?" I look at him carefully, the shock in his eyes.

"Yes, I understand what home means Gray." I state, looking down at a paper that has 'Alpha Daniel's' name on it.

"I just- are you sure you even want to be with him? He's a disgusting pig! He shouldn't even be a wolf. Make him a rogue- actually don't because then he'd be in your pack.. so how about the chaining? Leave him on a chain to die. He deserves it." His disgusted tone makes my eyes water as anger fills me.

"How could you say that about someone?" I whisper, although it did come out strong. But in a painful way.

"He deserves it Paris. All he's ever done is hurt you!" He yells making me flinch as I cower in fear.


I would've never felt that if I hadn't of met Xavier, or let him in even if he did hurt me. He can make me feel the feelings I haven't felt in years, and this.. this is one of them.

I smile softly, standing up and looking at Gray with honesty and with a soft voice like velvet I speak the honesty that is in my eyes. "Yes, he does deserve lots more pain than what he has gotten. But no, he doesn't deserve to die or be chained up. He deserves to be loved, to be given more than one chance for forgiveness. He is my mate Gray, and I will forever be loyal to him so if you would please leave, I have a mate to go take care of."

Gray looks at me before cracking a small grin. "He's changed you Paris. Even if I hate his guts.. he's done a good job." He leaves the room with the small smile still on his face making me grin and open the door, only to see the boy who's supposed to be resting in bed.

My stubborn Xavier.

"Xavier- what do you think you're doing?" I ask with a hand on my hip, my left eyebrow raised.

"Hmm.. well I went to go tell my mate that my back hurt but you see, I heard this conversation that had yelling in it and then the most delicate voice telling the guy yelling that I deserve love so I was like, I need my mate to love me now." He says with a wink making me giggle and run up to him, his arms catching me easily as my legs wrap around his waist.

"You're such a weirdo." I say, my breath fanning against his lips as I stare into his eyes, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

"I know baby, but you're the psycho and I'm you're weirdo." I laugh before willingly pressing my lips against his and holding him closer.

"I love you," I murmur against his lips making him pull back, staring at me confused.

"What did you just say?" He asks, setting me on the ground and taking a step back, his eyes slightly wide.

"I said I love you," I whisper. His eyes stay on my body for a few more movements before he grins and pushes me into the wall, nuzzling my neck with his nose.

"I love you too Paris." He whispers against my neck, his lips on my now vanished mark that I sometimes wish was still there.

And right now, I'm wishing for it to be back.

"Mark me.." I whisper, my eyes snapping up to his. His evergreen eyes darken slightly as he pulls back and stares at me intently.

"You want me to mark you?.. again? Are you sure because what if I change again or you regret this and I just want you to-" I press my lips to his, making his words slow into just a small murmur before pulling back once again and smiling.

"I said mark me Xavier." He looks down at my neck, running his fingers in circles on the spot that begs to bare his mark again, but this time is different.

This time I want my mate to mark me.

It's not forced this time, but instead it's being asked of him to mark me. I want it. I want his mark and nobody else's on my neck.

"Are you sure Paris?" He asks once more, looking down at me for my approval. I nod my head, wrapping my hands around his cheeks and cocking my head to the side, giving him more room.

"I've never been more sure in my life."

Once the worlds escape my mouth, my beautiful mate's canines sink into my flesh and pleasure fills my veins as does pain.

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