Chapter Thirteen "Such a shame doll."

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^Xavier's Wolf^

"Hello?" I answer my phone, twirling a long strand of brown hair around my fingers.

"Paris," a deep voice says roughly, the males voice so rich and hoarse at the same time, making me wonder who this is.

"Who is this?" I ask confused. I drop my hair and put my chin on my palm, looking out my office window to see the huge, tall stone walls while the trees protect it so it doesn't fall or even in the slightest break.

"Forgot about me already? Doll," he spits. I roll my eyes, still not knowing this strange man's voice.

"Quit the fucking game and tell me who the fuck you are!" I growl, slamming my fist into the glass, remembering how when they built this, they built it bullet proof so even if I hit it super hard with my fist then it wouldn't break. Which is good for me because I already broke the window in the pack house.

"Excuse me, alpha. Watch your tone with me." He growls. I narrow my eyes at the movement on top of the wall, trying to see what it is.

"I will not watch my tone with you. I don't follow anyone's rules but yours truly, me." I growl, looking closer at the stone wall to see the movement stop, looking like somebody's standing up.

It's a person.

"Such a shame doll, you and I both know that if the rules came down to your son.. what's his name? Lance, is it? That you'd change those rules. You'd do anything for the boy." He says softly, changing his tone completely.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice softening at the thought of Lance.

"Who's the father?" The mans voice asks. I hold my leather jacket closer to my body as the person starts walking effortlessly on the stone wall, coming closer to the middle that stands directly in front of my house, but about five hundred yards away.

"I adopted him." I growl, snapping my head towards the door as it opens, a little familiar blonde head popping in.

"Mommy, can I have some Oreos?" He asks happily. I nod my head with a smile before he closes the door and walks away, the grin still etched on his face.

"He's such a nice boy.. one day I'll have a son that's that powerful. He'll be an Alpha." The man says happily, sighing at the end.

"Lance will be an alpha and a damn good one too." I say, standing up for the little boy.

"Oh Paris," he says with a sigh, my body immediately freezing as my wolf calls for her mate that's on the other side of the phone call, wherever he is.

"Our pup, will be the only one being an alpha," he whispers before the line goes dead. My body freezes as I look out at the wall, the person jumping from the top and landing on their two feet, and instead of being on the other side, their on our side. My pack's side.

"What the hell-?" I start to question but immediately stop as my advanced hearing starts to hear the sound of bones cracking and suddenly, a body stands right below my window, a body of a wolf.

And the wolf is staring right up at me with its evergreen eyes.


"Go to the safe house out of the back door right now Lance." I growl, pushing him with Lilly. He looks scared, frightened, and definitely sad as I had growled at him but listens none the less and soon the whole pack enters the safe house, leaving myself alone in my house as I hear the growls of the monster I call my mate outside.

I grab my sword and put it in my belt, putting my leather jacket over it so its invisible to your eyes.

I hear bones cracking, and the sound of someone shuffling before opening the back door as I hide in a closet, my eyes turning black as I see him enter the house, shirtless with sweatpants laying loose on his hips. My wolf begs for me to let him come to me, to not do this but I push her away and control my breathing as his eyes search the house for me.

He walks past the tv, shutting it off as he does so before walking right past my closet I'm hiding in, and my time comes as I grab the sword out of my belt and slam him into the wall, putting the sword up to his neck.

"Paris," he growls, a smirk on his handsome face.

"Xavier," I growl back with anger, my hands tight on the sword as I push him even rougher into the wall, holding his body tightly.

"How's my doll?" He asks with anger, bringing his free hand up to my cheek and tracing it with his fingertips.

"Angry, and how's my asshole?" I ask, cocking my head to the side as my hands tighten on his wrist.

He brings his free hand to my side and grips my waist, his nails digging into my skin.

"Better now that I see you. But you know Paris..." The way my name rolls off his damn tongue though. "I need to bring you to my pack.. I need to make you mine. I need you Paris, and I'm going to get you."

"What makes you think you'll succeed Xavier? I don't want anything to do with you." Lies, but baby I just know that I can't save us both in this darkness. Too many people trust me.

"Oh darling... you don't even know do you?" He asks laughing so harshly you'd think he was a crazy psycho. He probably is but still. I cock my head to the side once more, looking at him carefully, confused too as my eyebrows drawl together.

"I've already succeeded baby girl." And before I know what he's doing, his hand grabs my waist and sinks his teeth right where my mark goes, causing me to scream.

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