Chapter Twenty-One "Even X-Xavier's"

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"Come in," I say emotionless, hearing the door creak open and the smell of power enter my lungs. I don't think about the other smells, just the power and at that, I stand up and look at the man in front of me, only to realize it's not the man I wanted to see. It's not Xavier.

"I heard about the cell Alpha," Alpha Gray says, sitting down in the chair in front of my desk.

Alpha Gray is about twenty-three, black hair, and grey eyes. He had a height around 6'5", his body is muscular and you can clearly see his muscles through the grey dress suit he wears right now. He crosses his right leg over his left knee and holds it comfortably, leaning back.

"Isn't it wonderful that they let me go?" I ask with a roll of my eyes, chuckling at my childhood friend. Gray and I go way back, we used to roll around in the mud in our diapers, run as wolves through the trees, and fight for fun. The good times back then, that was until his parents got nominated by another pack, they escaped the 'Blood Pack' and his father became alpha of the 'Fate Pack', when his father stepped down from his title, Gray became alpha and has been ever since the age of eighteen.

"I'm glad they did. Wouldn't want little Paris throwing her big girl diapers around, would we?" He asks chuckling as I let a real smile come on my face for the first time in months since Xavier left and.. he got 'kidnapped.'

Yes, I did say months.

Eight months to be exact. Funny how time passes, right?

"I don't wear diapers Gray, I wear women undies," I say with a small giggle. He laughs at me softly before looking around.

"I never thought I'd see my best friend again, let alone being an ex-warrior, and alpha of a let me say this- huge Rogue pack! It's quite impressive P, and I'm glad you did it." He says smiling genuinely.

"Thank you Gray, it's definitely been a long, strange ride." I say laughing lightly.

"I bet," he says smiling at me.

"So what brings you to see me? I know that it's not because of me being an alpha and wanting to see your childhood best friend, Gray." My words are now like business manor.

Gray's face pales, and that's something I'm not used to because of how he usually acts. He never acts weak, only nice or possessive, or rude, powerful even, but never weak like this.

"There's been talk." He says quietly.

"About?" I ask, cocking my head to the side, my eyebrows scrunching together.

"Alpha's are planning attacks on your pack. They want the rogues gone and they want your power taken away." He says softly, looking at my expression carefully that I keep emotionless.

No, I'm not mad.

I feel more like I'm worthless and I find the depression and the voice coming back.

"W-what packs?" I stutter, the pain in my head from the voice starts growing an I find my hands holding my head tightly, making Gray look at me worriedly.

"Every single pack but mine," he whispers, standing up as I start shaking. I'm not in control, I want to be, but I'm not.

"Even X-Xavier's?" I whisper to which he nods his head to. He comes around the desk as I find myself letting the voice come on my own choice, and I don't fight against it.

Lance is gone, he betrayed me.

Xavier is leaving, betraying me as I lose control, as I give my control away.

I really am nothing.

"Paris!" Gray yells, his voice distant as I feel white foam coming out of my mouth, and my eyes rolling to the back of my head. But instead of hitting the floor as I expected to, muscular arms pull me to a chest as I fall into a steady, deep darkness that I wish I could stay in forever.


"She has depression, Alpha Gray. Something inside her head is controlling her but no matter how much we ask her when she blacks out, she won't tell anyone. She claims she's crazy. Alpha Gray-" The doctor begins to talk again but Gray cuts him off.

"When I'm around Paris, please call me Gray," he whispers softly. I smile mentally at how nice he can be to a doctor.

It makes me remember the day he left.

"Best friends forever, right Paris?" Gray asks me. I nod my head with a grin, the sunflower that he had picked for me is now glowing out of the corner of my eye, in my hair.

"Gray I'll miss you," I whisper sadly as he holds my hand, our eight year old bodies standing in the long grass of the field, wildflowers everywhere.

This is where I always come when I'm sad.

"I'll miss you too Paris, but I love you and that's all that matters, right?" He whispers, kissing my forehead and pulling me into his chest. He doesn't love me like a relationship, he loves me like a best friend. I know that..

"Right! I love you too Gray," I whisper and he looks down at me, his beautiful metallic grey eyes staring into my boring blue ones.

"I'll come back for you Paris.. someday," he whispers, kissing my lips softly which shocks me, making me put my fingers to my lips as a blush forms, his hands leaving mine as he walks away, and I find my self walking the other direction, away from the only person who could've stopped me from a bad turn of events in my life.

I held onto his promise. I waited everyday in the pack for him to come back, I wanted him too. I missed him.. I knew he would come back someday, and he knew I would wait.

I was still waiting with my cold heart until Lukas made me rogue. I made an empire, killed a few, hurt lots, and now I'm still in the darkness.

Not able to wake your eyes, it makes you feel like you're at the way bottom of a rock hole, the walls are too steep, too high, and too smooth with no cracks to climb up. You know you won't make it to the top.

But yet you still see the inch of light way up there at the top, an you find yourself thinking that if you could..

You would grab that light and live in it forever.

I know I would, and I'm going to try and find a way for the light to come to me.


Lots happened in this chapter today. Lots of details and shockers. How do you like Gray? Gray and Paris ;) ? Haha, they aren't a couple.. her and Xavier are!!

Anywho, Xavier's being an asshole making a rebellion agains her and she has the voice back which you haven't got a preview of yet;) ahem, yet;)

Ooohhhh, I want to tell someone the drama I've had today but I don't want to tell everyone! I need someone to message.. but the someone has to be energetic, carefree, and just fun to joke with... know anyone? ;)

Anyways! Comment, vote!💭⭐


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