Chapter Eighteen "Her pup."

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"I didn't know what I was doing." She says simply, taking another swig of wine while her eyes stay on the gross, disgusting man sitting in front of her, on her couch, drinking her water, in her house.

"That's what they all say Paris," he replies calmly, laying back and setting his feet on the glass table, making Paris clench her jaw.

"Get your damn feet off my table!" She yells, making him flinch before kicking his feet off the table, for the first time in his life, acting like a good little boy listening to his mothers commands/ wishes.

"Anyways, how could you not have control of your body Paris? Your muscles help your body move, these bones aren't here for no reasons." He says, a laugh forming out of his mouth.

She inhales deeply, her eyes turning black as a warning that Lukas sees, before turning back to blue as she puts a fake smile on her face.

"One more time Lukas that I'll ask politely before I rip limb from limb out of your body until you tell me, what the fuck you want," she says in a happy, sweet voice. We all know it was fake though, I mean.. why would she possibly want to be nice to him?

"Paris, I didn't come here for a fight-" he starts but she cuts him off with a hard glare, and lots of venom in her voice.

"Sure as hell am acting like it," she says, her eyes black.

"I'm sorry Paris, you're just hard to talk to and I really have a problem with you being an alpha. I do! I'll say it to your face, you're worthless and will never, never make a good alpha. I killed your parents because I-"

"Because you're a coward, a worthless piece of shit who deserves not a title of an alpha, not even a title of rogue, but the title of dead." She growls, punching her fist on her couch, leaving a mark of where her hand had touched the cloth.

"Paris- there's a war that's going to happen." He says simply, ignoring her little outburst.

"I already know this you idiot." She says, rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms and ankles, shutting her eyes for a moment and letting her hearing be very sharp so in case he decides to hurt her, she'll he ready to pounce.

"I want you to fight with me." He says softly. Her eyes snap open, widening in shock, her body slightly shivering by the way he looks so serious that she just wants to bust out laughing in his face, but she doesn't. Instead, she sits there goggling at him, breathing deeply.

"Paris, do you want me to get you some water? Or a doctor?" He asks, beginning to stand up, and surprisingly there is a worried look in her eyes, but he masks it quickly.

"I-I'm fine," she stutters, looking back down.

"Paris.. I know that I've done horrible things to you but-" once again, she doesn't fail to cut him off.

"Horrible things?" She laughs hardly, her cold self coming back at the voice in her head tells her to pounce. "You took everything from me. My parents, the only love I ever received, my title, my pack, and my home! You took everything.." A tear falls down her cheek as the pain grows worse then it has been, even the other night. Lukas looks at her with the one thing she's always hated: sympathy.

"I'm a horrible man.. I know Paris." The guards outside shake their hands frantically in front of the window, that lays right behind Paris. Lukas looks at them confused until he sees a large, and he means hundreds of wolves surrounding them, maybe even thousands.

"Paris, your pack is going to kill my men." He says, looking around frantically.

"I know we are Lukas. The war will be rough," she says with a laugh, wiping her tears away.

"No Paris! Their going to kill them now!" He yells pointing at the window. She turns around and her eyes widen in horror but before she can run and stop her pack, one of the wolves have their teeth sunken into one of Lukas's guards, throwing him around.

Paris looks down, running out the door and screaming at her pack in a language that Lukas doesn't seem to understand.

"Be-no!" She yells and the pack nods in understanding, backing away from Lukas's men. Lukas wonders if it's her packs language, it's definitely interesting he notes as he watches her yell at them with more strange words.

A little boy runs up to Paris, hugging her waist tightly as he cries, making Lukas smirk as he finally found the strong, brave alphas weakness.

Her pup.

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