Chapter Twenty "You killed my father."

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"Lance, come here baby," I whisper but he just keeps staring at me with hate, and it's killing me.

"You killed my father." He growls, pushing towards me as the whole pack takes steps back, their faces mirroring mine which is full of shock. I shake my head quickly, confused on what he had meant.

"Your parents are gone," I whisper softly but he just laughs harshly, and for a four year old, it's powerful.

"Your so easy to lie too. Lukas was my father, they got rid of me because his mate died while having me," he says laughing at the disbelief that forms on my face.

I just trust a four year old with my life, and he crushed my trust.

"Everything that Lukas did and acted, was for a game. I'm not actually rogue, and I'm not four. I'm nine, are you blind? I'm actually supposed to be an alpha when I grow up." He says, a smirk on his once adorable face.

I turn my head, tears forming in my eyes as the pain grows.

"You're not even the boy I knew." I growl out, my wolf breaking through from all the pain these few days. His eyes widen in fright when I turn into my wolf and pounce on him, his body laying on the dirt ground with my wolf growling down at him.

"Please Paris. Let me go." He says quietly. My heart pleads my wolf to let him go but she doesn't. She actually pushes him harder.

I growl out, making her push off of him and claw the ground. I walk around him in circles, actually feeling content with the amount of fear he has. It makes me feel better.. it makes me feel.. heartless.

I pounce at him as I feel the betrayal in my veins again and claw his cheek before running. I left my mark on his cheek so he always knows that he will get revenge for what he did to me. I will get my revenge. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but I will. Son or not, I don't even feel the love for him anymore.

And I sure as hell don't look back.


"Paris?" Lilly's voice rings through the training room. I take another punch at the bag, kicking it before holding it as she walks towards me.

"What Lilly?" I snap, not meaning to hurt her feelings but what everyone has done to me, what everyone has been doing to isolate me from things I love just because I was controlled.. it kills me. Now sadly, everyone wants me to be put in a cell for eight days without food or water. How nice.. Right? Note my damn sarcasm.

"They've decided to put you in the cell.." she whispers, looking at me sadly. The beta's, my beta's Lilly and Jackson actually agree to this? Damn, well I guess I'm nothing to anyone.

"When?" I ask, too tired to even argue. I already know by the look on her face that my eyes are black, but I honestly could care less.

"Tonight.. I recommend you to eat and drink a lot." She says with a smile. How could she fucking smile at this time?

"Whatever," I growl before turning around and beginning to punch the bag once again.


Hell. That's what this feels like as they hold my hands behind my back, which I could easily push them away but who cares? Definitely not me anymore.

"Alpha Paris of the Rogue Pack, you are now in the eight day trial for trying to kill yourself, leaving the pack to kill another alpha, and hurting a child." Child my ass, I wanted to say but keep it in my mouth.

"Do you agree to this alpha?" Lilly asks, Jackson looking down at me emotionally.

"Don't have a choice, do I Lilly?" I growl, not showing respect to call her Beta Lilly in front of the whole pack that is now looking at me sadly, with regret.

"Put her in," Lilly commands but the people in my pack who were suppose to put me in the cell, just stares at her. Nobody moves, they all just stare at her carefully.

I said out the fucking animal in there!" She yells making everyone flinch but me. I smirk up at her, my eyes turning a dark black.

"What did you just call me.. Lilly?" I spat at her. She looks at me, her expression turning slightly scared.

"I.. a fucking animal," she says loudly, the expression wiped off her face and a smirk replaces it. I smirk at the people holding my body in place before visioning myself as a wolf, to hear the bones breaking.

The people holding me let go, and soon I'm a full grown female alpha wolf, standing in front of a scared Lilly, but I can't really see her.

All I can see is red.

All I can hear is a scream.

And all I can feel is my claws wrap around her body, digging into her skin as she cries in agony.

And all I know is I love the feeling of someone else feeling pain.. and not just me.


Heyyyyy, how was the chapter? I hope if was good.. quite short I know but I've been busy lately. Sunday was a year that I had lost my grandpa that was my second dad when mine died when I was 7.. so it hurt bad..

Anywho on a happier note: Chapter Two is up on Alpha Elliot and I'd love to get more reads on it, so please go check it out!

2 weeks and 2 days I started this book and damnnnnn girl, 5.16k!? Love you guys soooo much😘💜


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