Shizaya: Going Back...

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Well, I got some ideas ^_^ I hope this chapter won't confuse anyone!!! I hope u guys/gals think this chapter is awesome!!! The next chapter will be updated in a bit or a lot XD Anyways, enjoy~


Shizuo and Izaya finally made it to Ikebukuro (in Japan, not anime LOL) after many different objects blocking their ways. The first one was the lady at the back of the two in the detecting line (the place where the employees check your suitcases, luggages, yourself, ect. She kept on asking," I was in front of you." Each time the line moves up. The next one was when they were finally at the detecting machines. Izaya wouldn't throw away his hand knife. It was pretty annoying, but cute to Shizuo (like he'd ever admit it) that Izaya still kept the pocket knife he gave him. After 3 minutes or arguing and letting some people pass them. Izaya finally gave in throwing away the knife. After the detecting line incidence, there was the waiting part (where you have to wait until the airplane lands and everyone gets onboard).

Izaya was really bored waiting for the plane, so he used some of Shizuo's money he got from Kanra and bought some snacks and souvenirs. The next 2 hours were pretty much all about waiting and buying stuff. Soon, they got onto the England airport, Eva, and flew off. Before they flew off, there was the last problem/ object in their way, the lady who sat near Izaya and Shizuo (they sit near each other and the airplane has a row of 3 seats) kept on telling them to scoot their luggages wen though there's only two small luggages. After that little complex situation and the plane taking off, Shizuo and Izaya finally got their resting time. They ignored each other and the woman, and listened to the music that they found while browsing the small program screen.

Izaya chose Hatsune Miku World is mine which made Shizuo irritated because he was also singing it out loud. Shizuo listened to some classic songs to soothe him to sleep and it worked! Soon, the plane ride to Ikebukuro was finished! Nothing happened in the plane except for some whining from Izaya. The food was horrible, but it was better than nothing. Once they were out of the airport, a swoosh of cold air smacked their faces leaving shivers in them. Izaya felt happy out of the airplane and sighed loudly and happily. Shizuo still didn't get how good the wind felt. It was just some cold breeze slapping their faces. They both walked to the park where Shinra and Celty told them to go, the park that had the red "LOVE" statue.

Izaya was amazed that there wasn't a single tumult in the city. Everyone just looked cold or joyful. Shizuo looked around, not recognizing anything. Everything around him was either white, covered by snow since it is the opposite of the other side. The other side was the last day of spring so this side is the beginning of winter. Izaya finally spot a huge crowd! Rather than going to the LOVE statue, he led Shizuo to the crowd. Shizuo looked up high looking for the object Shinra and Celty told then to look for. Izaya, on the other hand, wasn't even searching for it. He was just walking in the crowd with Shizuo behind him. Izaya loved the stores!!! They all had many different styles and colors! The appeals of these shops were interesting to Izaya, he then walked to a building colored bright blue with many amusing, adorable plushies in the window. Shizuo wasn't paying attention.

He was still walking behind Izaya, but didn't notice he has stopped in front of a store. Shizuo soon notice after bumping into the raven haired man and causing him to hit the glass. The window didn't break, however, it did make Izaya's forehead red causing him to pout," Neh! Shizu-Chan! Watch where you're going!!" Shizuo turned around to face the red forehead in front of him. He asked," What happened there?!" Izaya rolled his eyes and asked back/joked," What are you searching for, Shizu-chan~ a girl~" Shizuo looked furious and replied sarcastically," No, I'm looking for a god damn cat!!! Izaya! I'm looking for the statue you fuckin' slammed your head into!!!" Izaya thought for a moment and changed the subject after a couple of seconds passed," Can we go in here?!" Shizuo stared up, forgetting about the search, at the store's window. It looked girly but it had some kind of aura that says," Bright! Shiny! Better come in! You'll be amazed!!!"

Shizuo thought it was a stupid store like all of the others they passed by, however, he allowed himself and Izaya to enter the store. Soon, they were met with a girl welcoming them. Shizuo rolled his eyes and followed Izaya around the shop. There were many weird items that cost A LOT (example: mini figure= $90) Izaya stopped at one object that was a small plush."Oh! Shizu-chan! This figure is so cute!!!" Izaya whaled while pointing at a plush. Shizuo walked to the plush and examined it. He looked at the price and said," This thing is really..... Cheap." The employee came over and identified the item." Oh this is a very old plush. This little white cotton ball is a Dango or mochi." Izaya happily shouted," I'll be buying this!" The girl smiled and wrapped the mochi with pink paper and placed it in a bag. Shizuo payed for the mochi and thy both walked out.

Izaya swingers the bag like a kid and sang out loud," Mochi~ Mochi~ I gotta mochi~ in my hands! In my-" Shizuo slapped Izaya on the head before he could finish his song," I get it! You love your mochi! Now hurry up and help me search for that statue! I want to go home!!" Izaya stopped fooling around and began to search. The streets were crowded with people and cars since it was the night. Everybody around Ikebukuro was hanging around, going to work, going home, stuck in traffic (not too many), meeting up with their gangs, shopping, no one had nothing to do. This Ikebukuro is very alike to the other. Izaya was getting really tired plus Shizuo. It was midnight and still, many were outside walking around. Izaya and Shizuo stopped their search and sat on the concrete, cold floor in a narrow alleyway.

They couldn't sit on a bench since people would be watching them sleep and that'll make a huge bussiness for Shizuo since he hates getting attention from strangers who he doesn't even recognize. Izaya slid on to the ground after making sure there were no dirty puddles. He took out his plush and unwrapped it. Shizuo really didn't mind Izaya admiring the plush but LAYING ON HIM was out of the ordinary. Shizuo asked loudly," WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LYING ON ME?! FLEE!?" Izaya smirked and replied," I'm sleepy. Let me do this just once." Izaya snuggled even closer to Shizuo while holding his dango. Shizuo sighed vociferously and layed his head onto Izaya's head. He whispered to Izaya," If anyone were to see this, we'll look like a couple."

Izaya smiled and joyfully shouted," Well! It'll be interesting to see their expression and reaction!!" Shizuo's vein popped up. he bonked Izaya on the head and shouted," Shut up and rest! We only have 4 hours of sleep at this rate!" Izaya said," Woah! Shizu-chan knows how to do math now! Amusing!!" They both, in reunion, slept at the same time and exact position they did before.


So! I'm done with this chapter!! I'll post another one next month or so! Depends one again ^_^ What chapter is this again? The 18 or 19? 17? LOL I forgot! Anyways, here's a short humor story!


Izaya woke up." Awww~ I can't remember my dream! Although, I know it was good!!" he shouted."Shut up! I'm still tired!!" Shizuo yelled. Izaya lived with Shizuo after a herioc event (I'll let you imagine how they ended up this way •☺• ) Izaya sat up scratching his back neck. He got off the bed and asked Shizuo," Anything you want to eat?" Shizuo replied with a snore. Izaya chuckled to himself and went downstairs to make some breakfast. Once he went downstairs, he was met with many weird objects. A flying tooth brush, couch, a fairy?! Izaya rubbed his eyes and shouted to Shizuo," Hey! Shizu-chan! Why is there a fairy and flying things?!" He heard a loud yawn and SUPER loud stomps down the stairs. Izaya's eyes widened," WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FEET?!" Shizuo scratched his stomach and tiredly replied," Hmm?" Izaya shouted," Why do you have huge feet?!" Shizuo shook his head and said," Your hallucinating." Izaya pinched his cheek and rubbed his eyes. he was then met with a hairy blonde. Izaya screamed loudly.

He opened his eyes and quickly sat up from his bed." that was creepy! No! Horrifying!!! What a nightmare!!" Shizuo pushed Izaya off the bed with his foot," Why the hell are you yelling in the morning?! It's just 6:30 AM!!" Izaya glanced to the alarm clock and to Shizuo," I had a nightmare. You had a huge foot and you were hairy." Izaya then thought about what he just said and let out a small laugh. Shizuo sat up and yawned. He then asked," You really want to die don't you." Izaya smirked and asked," And you really want to ravish me don't you." Shizuo smirked and......... :3 I'll let you imagine the rest~


See ya next time!!!! Goodbye my favorite readers who i love and appreciate you guys/gals!!!!! :) And please vote, or if you haven't followed me, follow please~ 💙

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