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Allen pov: 

After the doctor had forced that strange liquid down my throat a wave of calm washed over me. I was able to understand what the doctor was saying, the problem was accepting it. However in my drugged state I let the shock pass me by. The doctor left and I stayed still, Kanda however looked very upset as he twiddled his thumbs. A nurse helped me up so that I could go to the restroom. She went to get me a wheel chair but I was able to walk with her support alone. After I washed my hands I rinsed my mouth using the tap. I hated the after taste left from vomit. I was brought a tooth brush and I was grateful to get rid of the disgusting taste completely. With the help of the nurse I sat down on my bed. She tried to convince me to lay down completely but I refused, I wanted to show Kanda that I wasn't broken. Despite what I was thinking sitting did cause a fair deal of pain, modern medicine could only reduce not kill discomfort after all. Once again it was only Kanda and me in the room. We sat in silence for a long while, Kanda was staring at the floor. He was probably worrying about me however the only thing on my mind was how much time I had left. How long will I have before I must return to Road and Tyki. More time went by but neither of us spoke a word, he was taking the news hard. The calm of the drugs was wearing off and my anxiety seeped back into my thoughts. My head was once again full of what if's and made up scenarios. I even started to think of my previous pain. Before I got too carried away in my own head Kanda finally broke the ice. With the sound of his  voice I remembered another dilemma I faced, I've never told him my true feelings. Would it be wrong to tell him now? Yet its possible I won't get another chance, I'm already running out of time. No, isn't it cruel to tell him now and then leave so soon after wards. I battled myself in my head when I was snapped to attention as Kanda gripped my hand. 

"Allen, hey Allen are you okay? Say something already." I was flustered when I noticed how long I was spacing off. I felt my face get hot 

"Hey Allen your face is kind of red, do you have a fever?" Kanda leaned in and touched the palm of his hand to my forehead. This made my blush worse. 

Desperately trying to avoid the awkwardness of this moment I said the first thing on my mind. "Kanda you have really soft hands." 

Kanda pov:

Why does the moyashi have to say something so embarrassing in such a cute little voice! I could feel my face turning red. I tried to get a control of myself and turned back to Allen, I was still holding his hand. He spoke before I could say anything. 

"So um Kanda there's something I've been meaning to tell you." I felt my heart jump to my throat my stomach churned with anticipation. "I want to tell you the truth, I've heard you both times now when you've told me that you love me."  Instantly my blush returned and I felt my heart race faster. What would he say next! Terrified and excited I waited for him to continue. "And well..." he paused "I just want to say that I.... I love you too Kanda." 

A smile burst across my face, I couldn't believe my ears. Allen was beat red and I reached in and gave him a gentle hug. Nothing made me happier than what he had said. Our eyes locked and he looked more adorable than ever before. I unintentionally lowered my gaze to his cheeks and then his mouth. I was overjoyed and without another thought dove forward, our lips touched, engulfed in a kiss, my mouth claiming his. 

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