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Allen pov:

I can hear someone's voice. What are they saying? I can't make out the exact words. They sound really familiar, comforting almost. But why do they sound so distressed? I need to see who it is. It feels like a heavy weight has been placed over my eyes. No matter how much I try to open them they seem sewn shut. I can't move any part of my body nor can I speak. A hand was placed on my face, it was so soft and warm, I would have nuzzled up to it if I could move. I started to understand the words. "I'm so sorry." More was said but I didn't understand it.

Finally the voice was clear, it was Kanda. That's right, I died to become a noah. I still have a conscious, is this what happens after death? I want to tell Kanda that I'm still here. Please God just let me tell him. Kanda's voice paused and I felt a drop of something hit my face. Was it raining? No these drops were tears. The voice picked up again "I love you Allen"

With those words I felt my heart jump. Wait my heart? It was beating I could hear it, I'm not dead! I tried desperately to say something. Kanda Kanda Kanda Kanda. My lips refused to part. I still couldn't open my eyes. Finally my mouth moved.


Kanda's pov:

Great now I was imagining hearing the beansprouts voice again. I opened my eyes and looked down. Allen's mouth opened and he muttered out my name.
"Allen!" I cried ecstatically. He was alive. Allen's eyes flickered open and I couldn't contain my excitement. Without another thought I flung myself on the beansprout and broke out with more tears. This time I was crying in overwhelming joy. He said something else but I ignored it, thank the heavens he was still here. Allen repeated himself. "I can't breathe Kanda." I instantly remembered his injuries and jumped off of him. For the first time in a long time I was able to give an honest smile. Allen is all I need to be happy.

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