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Lenalee pov:

This feels wrong, when I asked brother why we had to take Allen into custody he had just avoided my eyes and told me that it needed to be done. I don't want to fight Kanda or hurt either of them. They're my friends, but if I don't do this Komui and everyone else in the order could be in a lot of trouble. We need to take Kanda and Allen, I have to for Komui. My resolve strengthened and I wiped back any tears, this is for my home, for brother. 

Lavi pov:

Damn it all. The order has been involved in shady business before but whatever is going on now is much worse. I'm supposed to be a bookman, I should be able to simply follow my orders and observe what's going on. Then why? Why are my emotions preventing me from following these orders. I want Allen and Yu to be free, but I need to take them back. The old man will kill me if I let my own feelings prevent me from carrying through now. I've seen countless wars, this should be no different. I'm sorry Allen and Yu but I have to take you with me. I won't hold back in this fight.

Kanda pov:

I unsheathed Mugen and held it steady in front of me. Lavi ran forward swinging his hammer down at me. I blocked and stepped to the side causing him to fall forward. Lenalee leaped at my undefended side but I grabbed her foot and threw her at Lavi. Lavi caught her and they fell backwards in a heap. I ran forward ready to attack before they could get back on their feet. "First illusion blade." After saying this my sword released the minions and they started to attack Lavi and Lenalee. I felt slight remorse as they struggled on the ground trying to escape injury. I remembered why I had to fight them and without hesitation swung my blade at Lavi. I sliced a large portion of his back and he let out a yelp. Lenalee ran to his side ignoring the attacks from Mugen. I stood their in silence. I always was annoyed by the rabbit but I never pictured hurting him like this. Lenalee turned to me with anger in her eyes.

"How could you do this to a friend!" Her words stung my ears. Tears started to leak from her eyes.

"If you saw what's happened to Allen you would know how." I turned away from her gaze thinking of the pain the moyashi had suffered alone. "It was the order who put him through that hell. All of you just sat back and let the Noah have him. I was the only one that tried to save him and now we're being targeted for that." Everything I said was the truth. "I refuse to be separated from him again, friend or foe I will not let you take him from me."

Lavi coughed and then spoke. "Yu," he tried to sit up with the help of Lenalee as blood dripped from his back. "I understand now." His words shocked me and Lenalee started to talk as well. Mugens first illusion insects disappeared.

"We never really wanted to fight you or force either of you to return." She shook as tears freely streamed down her cheeks. "I just wanted to protect my family but you are also my family and.." her words faded and she rubbed at her eyes.

"It's alright. Just take Lavi to a doctor and get out of here." All of my malice at the duo had dissipated, they really had wanted to help Allen.

I helped Lenalee to her feet and together we lifted Lavi up. I suggested they just take Lavi to the hospital in front of us but they argued that if they were caught with us everyone would be in more trouble. I let them go and they promised to not tell anyone about our location, they would buy us as much time as possible. I was grateful for their actions. Luckily I hadn't dug to deeply into Lavi when I had slashed his back so it's possible he won't even scar. I watched their figures fade into the distance as they left the town. I turned and walked back into the hospital.

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