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Allen pov:
Road released her hand from my mouth. They wanted me to accept becoming a noah. I had fought the deal this entire time but one look at Kanda had me reconsidering. It was one thing for myself to be harmed but I couldn't bear watching his torture.

"Well boy? Your answer" Tyki held the whip out next to Kanda.

"What will happen if I accept?" This was my first question to the duo. Acknowledging me Tyki stuck a needle in Kanda. Before I could protest Road started talking.

"Don't worry that was just something to make him sleep. Here's the plan if you accept our offer. We will start by turning you into a noah by implanting the embodiment of a noah. We will then release you and Yu Kanda. It won't take very long but the noah within will start to take control. When that happens you will return to us. Of course you are forbidden to tell anyone about our little deal and you definitely can't return to the order."

I sat in silence for a minute. If I refused they would continue to torture Kanda until he died. At least if I became a noah he would be able to escape. The order didn't want me now anyway. I would still get to spend time with Kanda for a while until I would have to return. Taking a deep breath I came to my conclusion.

"Alright, I'll do it. But only after you release Kanda."

"Deal" Tyki and Road both replied.

Tyki undid Kanda's bindings and gently laid him on the floor. Road's grip on my hair softened.

"Alright this is going to hurt quite a bit but it's the only way to become a noah." Road coed in a reassuring tone. "You will actually die and be reborn but it's the only way this will work. However if you refuse the noah your body will fully give out and we will have to try Yu Kanda as our next vessel. This is why we waited for your permission to turn you into a member of the family." I nodded my head. I still was afraid but knowing it would save Kanda gave me a new found strength.

Road held out an orb the size of a large marble in her hand and Tyki stepped forward. He grabbed the glowing orb in both hands. Next he put his hands on my heart and they entered my body. There was no irritation yet. Tyki then materialized his fingertips and the marble like object fell into my heart. The pain was tremendous and my breathing became unsteady. I could hear the thump of my heart in my ears. Every beat brought new pain and tears streamed down my face. I let out a howl of discomfort. Tyki took his hand out without leaving a mark on my skin but the feel in my heart still remained. The pain lightly faded, but then new side affects arose. I started coughing wildly until my lungs burned. Blood poured from my mouth and each cough splattered it onto me and the ground. My tissues and muscles were torn apart inside of my body and rebuilt over and over again. I could hear my bones snap as they reformed into stronger versions. My akuma searching eye flared wildly causing intense pain and my scar ached. I was amazed Kanda didn't wake with the sound of my screams. Finally the pain subsided a little and I began to hyperventilate. Where am I? Why am I here? Make the pain stop. Before I realized it the room was sideways, no I had fallen on the floor. Was this what death felt like? My body lost feeling and I let my eyes close, grateful to run from the pain. The gentle embrace of death carried me far away.

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