Collection of all chapters

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A/N: when I started this fic 6 years ago Wattpad was a very different platform. I don't personally use Wattpad much these days but I'm always overwhelmed with ads, so to save you from ads after every small part here is every part put together minus the finale. It's just directly copied and pasted for your convenience.

Where is he
Kanda Pov:

Where did that little beansprout run off to this time. We were always fighting each other but this was the first time he had run off for so long, especially on a mission. I would never admit this to the Moyashi but I'm starting to get worried. Two days have passed and he has yet to return to the Inn. This is Komui's fault for sending just the two of us out on a mission. It will be sunset soon I am going to go look for Allen, maybe he got lost.

Allen Pov:

I ran away from Kanda two days ago after we got into another argument. Timcampy was with me but I wasn't really in the mood to talk. Kanda was such a jerk and I couldn't stand it this time. I know I'm being childish but I don't want to go back. Kanda had complained saying that I was too weak to be his partner. He also said that I would die before winter came. To finish off the insult with a grand finale he added that I was only in the way to begin with. Kanda's words had hurt me if I had to be honest, and that's why I was now roaming the forest as night fell. I need shelter for the night, even if it costs me my pride. Maybe I should head back to the Inn. A twig snapped behind me, I turned my head as a shadow sprung from no where encasing me in cold nothingness. This is bad, I tried to activate Crown Clown but to no avail. My limbs flailed as I struggled to escape but it was of no use. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing would come out. My conscious started to fade when a picture of Kanda popped into my head, maybe I would be dead before Winter arrived.

Kanda Pov:

Where could that damn Moyashi possibly be. I've checked the entire town asking for clues to his whereabouts, but no one had seen him  since this morning. I never imagined how hard it would be to find the white haired boy, but here I am. Annoyance was my first reaction to my failure, but worry also started plaguing my thoughts more and more. What if something had happened to him. I was ready to start yelling moyashi or short-stack. As I opened my mouth something flung into the back of my head. Annoyed once more I looked to see what had just hit me. Yellow flashed into my face it was Timcampy. How could I forget about Timcampy, he was always with Allen these days and could now lead me to him.

"What's wrong?" I grunted rubbing the back of my head

Tim flew up and down little specks of water dotting the golems front. Tim then started flying towards the forest. The sun was now barely peaking from the horizon. Something must have happened with Allen. I ran through the trees keeping up with the Timcampy. I only had one thought in my mind, please Allen be okay.

After a few minutes we reached a clearing in the trees. I noticed a patch of grass that was trampled. I stepped forward noticing two sets of footprints, one looked like Allen's the other was unrecognizable. The knot in my stomach tightened.

"What happened here Timcampy" I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

Tim played a projection. It showed Allen walking through this very same spot. He then reached the center yet the ground was fine. Allen had been facing Timcampy when all of the sudden a shadow leaped at his back. Allen was covered with the shadow but put up a fight causing the change in the clearing. Within a minute the struggling had stopped and none of Allen could be seen. The shadow then disappeared taking Allen with it. It didn't fade out, or run away, it simply ceased to be there. the projection then cut off.

I could feel the warmth leave my body. How would I ever get Allen back? Assuming Allen was even alive. I ignored Timcampy for the moment feeling utterly sick with myself. I had said such awful things to him and now I won't ever be able to apologize. My knees hit the ground where Allen had been taken from me. "I'm sorry" my voice cracked as I held back my emotions. I stayed there for a while, just thinking about my mistake. What would Allen do in this situation? Surely he would get up and move forward. With great difficulty and a new mind set I picked myself off the ground. "I will find you Allen, I promise."

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