Where is he?

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READ THIS: If you want to read all the parts together skip to the 2nd to last chapter titled Collection of all chapters. It's every part copy and pasted so you don't have Ads in between.

AN: This is my first official fan fiction on my personal profile. Updates will be when I feel like it, and I'm open to suggestions for this story, enjoy!

Kanda Pov:

Where did that little beansprout run off to this time. We were always fighting each other but this was the first time he had run off for so long, especially on a mission. I would never admit this to the Moyashi but I'm starting to get worried. Two days have passed and he has yet to return to the Inn. This is Komui's fault for sending just the two of us out on a mission. It will be sunset soon I am going to go look for Allen, maybe he got lost.

Allen Pov:

I ran away from Kanda two days ago after we got into another argument. Timcampy was with me but I wasn't really in the mood to talk. Kanda was such a jerk and I couldn't stand it this time. I know I'm being childish but I don't want to go back. Kanda had complained saying that I was too weak to be his partner. He also said that I would die before winter came. To finish off the insult with a grand finale he added that I was only in the way to begin with. Kanda's words had hurt me if I had to be honest, and that's why I was now roaming the forest as night fell. I need shelter for the night, even if it costs me my pride. Maybe I should head back to the Inn. A twig snapped behind me, I turned my head as a shadow sprung from no where encasing me in cold nothingness. This is bad, I tried to activate Crown Clown but to no avail. My limbs flailed as I struggled to escape but it was of no use. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing would come out. My conscious started to fade when a picture of Kanda popped into my head, maybe I would be dead before Winter arrived.

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