Cam and Nash complication

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We had surgery done on our arms and had a cast put on. Then the doctor let us go home. We called our mom to let her know that we got hurt but we are better and we'll go next year. After we get a call from our older brother Cam. He said that he heard that we were hurt and he and Nash were coming to see us in LA. Vicky and I over reacted and hung up. Ethan and Grayson asked us what was wrong. "Well you see before we left the house our brothers Cam and Nash said not to get boyfriends" Vicky said "so that means when they come you guys are going to have to act like our friends"I said "why can't you just tell them about us" "yea it's not like there going to do anything about it" Grayson said "yea they are going to make us move and you'll never see us again. Do you want that to happen"I said "no" Ethan and Grayson said. In a couple of hours Cam and Nash arrived and knocked on our doors. Vicky opened it gave them a hug and they asked her if her arm was feeling better. They walked in and immediately asked "hey Maria who are those guys behind you" I had to say that they were just a friend but inside it felt like I was dying. I didn't want to lye to my brothers band I didn't want to call Ethan a friend but you have to do what you have to do. Ethan and Grayson said hi and we all sat on the couch. A couple minutes later we all decided that we wanted to go to the zoo and see the animals. Me,Vicky,Ethan,and Grayson hopped in their car and totally forgot that we had to take Cam and Nash. They came up to us and we told them to take a taxi. We got to the zoo and before we got out of the car I gave Ethan a kiss and Vicky gave Grayson a kiss too. But we didn't know that Cam and Nash were looking. They tapped the window and told us to get out of the car. We were so scared at what was going to happen. " I THOUGH YOU TOLD US THAT THEY WERE YOIR FRIENDS" Cam yelled. "Tell here's the thing we didn't want to tell you because we knew that this would happen" I said "well actually I am a bit mad but I still don't like the fact that you decided not to tell us like who does that". Nash was the chill brother. He was only chill because he was our step-brother and he didn't really care about anything we did. But Cam on the other side is the brother you'd wish you'd never had. Cam is so over protective and bossy I just hate the way he acts like so what if we have a boyfriend or not just let us be. I felt anger through my blood and I thought I was going to explode and then I did. "WELL THE ONLY REASON I DIDNT TELL YOU WAS BECAUSE YOU WOULD MAKE ME DUMP HIM OR EVEN WORSE. YOU KNOW IF YOU WERENT SO OVER PROTECTIVE I WOULD OF TOLD YOU BUT NOOOOOOO YOU HAD TO BE SO PROTECTIVE" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I got back in the car and sat down with Ethan. "This is what I was so afraid of now he is going to make me leave." We got back home and Cam gave us a choice to either leave the boys and go home with them or live with the boys and never go to moms house again and you can guess what we chose. "Yep that's right I am staying with the boys and you can't make me leave" Vicky said. "Ok then go ahead make the biggest mistake of your life" Cam said. We knocked on the twins door and asked them if we could live together but NOTHING could happen
only when we are older.

Hi guys I recently got 23 reads so if we get that up 2 more reads I will do a special chapter that will be breath taking again please share this story. Also I am letting you guys be in the story if you leave your name in my comments and share,like this book you can be on my book so stay tuned for that

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