● Iwaizumi Hajime : Listen To Me

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You slowly woke up from a good sleep and was shaken up when you felt something warm next to your arm. You turned to see that Iwaizumi was peacefully sleeping next to you and you had realized that you weren't home but rather in the school's infirmary room.

"Oi," you said and poked his head. Iwaizumi jolted and sat straight up.

"(L/N)-san!" he shouted as he almost lost balanced from waking up. You looked at him confused as to why you were there until suddenly your memories came back. You glared at him with cold deadly eyes as the scene flooded your mind. You were helping the boys volleyball team with their morning practice that day and Iwaizumi, being the strong ace he is, blew a volleyball straight at your head. It knocked you out cold, and you weren't conscious to beat him up for it.

"So how was it?" you asked with your arms crossed. "How was it to almost blow my head off my body?"

"Oi! I didn't mean to do that," he replied. "Your big head was in the way, so it wasn't my fault."

"Ohohoh, so it's suddenly my fault now for standing in the way of the volleyball?" you were this close to strangling him up. Iwaizumi only laughed and placed his hand on your head, "You seem alright so I should head to practice now."

You could feel the heat rise up to your cheeks and swat his hand away.

"What do you mean by practice? Isn't it still morning-," you were still talking when Iwaizumi stretched, grabbed his bag, and headed for the door.

"Idiot, it's past 4pm already," he cut you off and waved. "Don't leave the bed until I get out of volleyball practice. Miyano Sensei will be coninng back sortly to watch over you until I end practice."

"Who are you? My mom?" you crossed your arms and pouted. He walked out and away without replying back to you. Irritated by his words, you sat up and looked around for your bag. You found it on a chair not far from the infirmary bed. You got out of the bed and grabbed your bag. Although your head was still feeling a bit dizzy, you told yourself you were able to make it home without Iwaizumi. You made your way out the infirmary room and towards the front gates of your school.

"Oh! (F/N)-chan!" your best friend spotted you. She was running about with the school committee and noticed your figure. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Ah, yeah," you nodded and laughed. She smiled and nodded, "That's great! I was worried about you. I wanted to stay and watch after you for a bit but Iwaizumi-senpai said he had it under control."

"Wait- what?" you were confused. Your best friend only chuckled before elbowing you, "Senpai watched after you since morning practice."

Hearing that your cheeks flushed a bright red as you pushed your best friend away.

"I-I don't care!" you mumbled. "For all I know he could be plotting my next death scene. I'm going home, bye!"

You stumbled your way around your best friend and left the school grounds. She only shrugged and chuckled before continuing with her work.

Quite some time passed by and the volleyball practice for the boys were over. After having the team clean up the gymnasium, the members headed home.

"Iwa-chan!" the annoying brunette that Iwaizumi hated appeared beside him. "Is (L/N)-chan waiting for you in the infirmary room?"

"She should be," he replied. His best friend nodded and gave him a thumbs up, "GO IWA-CHAN!"

"SHUT UP SHITTYKAWA!" Iwaizumi jabbed the side of his best friend's stomach. The poor child groaned in pain before smiling, "Just confess already Iwa-chan. Everyone knows you both have a thing for each other."

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