● Terushima Yuuji : Only Me, Baby

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The squealing of the girls flocking around Terushima made you rolled your eyes again. You were okay at first but now it began to irritate your soul. One, because the girls wouldn't shut up. And two, because your boyfriend himself seems to be enjoying it very much.

"If this was what he had planned why did he even bother to invite me in the first place?" you mumbled under your breathe as you crossed your arms in annoyance. You could hear Bobata and Futamata chuckled beside you.

"Well you are his girlfriend, Hoshi-san," Bobata said. "It's common for you to get jealous, especially when Terushima-san is a magnet that attracts girls."

You paused and scoffed, "Wait, me jealous?" You began to laugh as if he had just told a joke.

"And they usually don't accept the fact that they do," Futamata added before falling onto his back and began resting on his towel. You pouted and crossed your arms over your chest. The two had a point. But then again, there was no use of trying to stop Terushima if all his attention was on them. So, you had decided to just ignore his existence and lay back to enjoy the nice summer day by yourself. It wasn't long before you grew hungry and had asked if Futamata brought anything to eat.

"I did, but Terushima ate it on the way here," he awkwardly laughed. "A-ah I can go buy some-"

"I'll go," you interrupted him and stopped him from getting up. "I'll be back soon, hopefully."

You chuckled and left the spot on the beach sand, and headed towards the nearby restaurant. You turned back to see that Terushima didn't even realize you were gone. Because of this, you even began to wonder why you said yes to becoming his girlfriend in the first place. You pushed your train of thoughts away and entered the small restaurant that was quite crowded. It was making you have second thoughts of wanting to eat. While you waited in line, your eyes wondered around the small interior of the restaurant. The tables in the middle were small, mostly for couples or friends of two or three while the outer tables were for big groups. Just as your eyes was heading back to the line of people moving in front of you, they met with some dark blue eyes of a tall tan male. You quickly reverted your gaze back to the line and continued to wait while avoiding eye contact with anyone. Surprisingly, the line was moving fast so you were able to order something before dying in hunger. As you got your take-out order from the worker, you headed for the doors. Just as your hand reached for the handle, another hand reached for it.

"Ah, ladies first," the tall tan male gave you a smile and pushed open the door for you. You gave him a small smile and thanked him before walking out. Just as you thought he'd leave you, his figure quickly followed up beside you.

"Hey," he greeted. You looked at him and could see his navy blue hair shine from the sun. He was wearing a white v-neck tshirt along with some navy swim shorts.

"Hello," you greeted back. You were wishing he'd back off because you have a boyfriend alread. Just then a smile curved on your lips. Two can play at this game, Terushima.

"Am I missing out on something?" he chuckled. "Cause I think I'm suppose to be the one smiling since I'm talking to such a beautiful woman."

You blushed at his compliment and tried to hide your face from turning red.

"Well, I'm Aomine Daiki," he put out his hand. You grabbed it and softly shook it, "You can call me Hoshi-san."

"Beautiful name to match a beautiful woman," he added. Although his words were very heart-melting, it didn't shake your heart like how Terushima's words would.

"Thanks," you smiled and continued ti walk towards where your spot on the beach with the others were at.

"Enjoying the day with some friends?" he asked. You nodded and when your boyfriend came to view, your face turned ugly, "Well I was enioying the day."

"Something happened?" Aomine asked. You frowned and when you saw that almond head of a boyfriend turn to see you, you pretend to trip. Aomine was able to catch you before you hit the sand.

"Are you okay?" he immediately asked and checked to see if you were okay. You shook your head and use your open hand to hold your forehead.

"I feel a bit light headed," you began your acting. From afar, you could see a fire buring at the top of Terushima's head as he stomped towards you and Aomine.

"Oi!" he shouted. Aomine and you looked up.

"Ah, it's my boyfriend," you mentioned. Aomine looked at you and then at the angry Terushima in front of him.

"Boyfriend?" Aomine mumbled while helping you up. He laughed and then apologized, "Ah, sorry man. I didn't know she was your girl."

Terushima ignored Aomine's apology and softly grabbed you into his embrace, "Go away."

"Hey, don't talk to Aomine like that," you glared at your boyfriend. "He helped me when I almost fell."

Terushima pouted and refused to look at Aomine. The tall male only laughed before leaving the two of you since he didn't want to start any problems. Once his figure was out of sight, Terushima glared at you.

"Why were you with this 'Aomine'?" he asked and demanded an answer no matter what. You shrugged, "He was just accompanying me at the restaurant, no biggie."

"No biggie?" you could see your boyfriend bursting in flames as his jealously kicked in. "Do you even see the way that almost 2 meters tall creature stared at you?"

"Hey! Be nice, Yuuji-kun!" you hit his arm. He only pouted and hugged you tighter, "You're mine, Hoshi-chan. Don't go wondering around when there's thousands of hungry men here."

"Oh, I never noticed," you tilted your head and shrugged again, "All I see are just pretty attractive girls, at least the ones that you were with."

His ears perked up and he apologized quickly, "If my attention is what you want, then that's what you'll get!"

"Oi, baka," you hit his head and broke free from his hug. "I'm going to go eat with Futamata-san and Bobata-san."

You walked away leaving him behind.

"Hoshi-chan!" he whined and followed after you. "I love you!"

"Oi!" your cheeks flushed a bright red as people were staring at you both. Your idiot of a boyfriend was creating a scene. You quickly turned around and told him to shut up but he only made it worse.

"I love you, Hoshi-chan!" he wrapped his strong arms around you once again and kissed your forehead. You looked at your boyfriend in disbelief and rolled your eyes, "Tell me something I don't know."

"Well you don't know that all I think about is you even though girls come chasing after me," Terushima replied and kissed your temple this time. "They may be pretty in other people's eyes but to me they are nothing but just girls. They don't have that smile that makes anyone's day shine brighter. And their laugh isn't unique like yours, Hoshi-chan. So, I'm sorry if I made you feel that you didn't mean much to me when I'm around other girls. I promise to keep my eyes only on you from now on, and you have to keep your eyes on only me, baby."

You tried to act angry but his words always gets to you. Your heart was beating furiously and he felt it because the look on his face made you want to punch it.

"I love you too, baka," you said and flicked his forehead. "Now let's go eat, I'm hungry!"


ahahah terushima is omfff-
I hope this turned out ok lol
aomine tho . ommfg bae af too .
anywaysss ahaha sugawara is next and dont worry its a fluff .
I cant afford to make another sugawara angst ahaha xD
my heart is going to break if I do .

also . many of you wanted 2nd parts to some of the completed oneshots, I'll try my best to see which ones fits a second part and write it after completing the remaining requests ! :)

thanks for reading/commenting lovelies ♡

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