● Sugawara Koushi : Care For Me

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It was a cold winter day and sadly while others were out enjoying the snow, you were stuck inside with a high fever and some coughs. You groaned as the laughter of kids could be heard from outside your bedroom window.

"Why of all days?" you mumbled and look at the date circled in red on your calendar. Today marked you and Sugawara's 6 months anniversary of being together. He had planned something but now it's ruined because you came down with a cold. You apologized to him multiple times through the phone along with your vicious coughs.

"I guess we can spend our anniversary at your house," he chuckled after you had stopped coughing. You shook your head as if he could even see.

"I don't want to get you sick Koushi-kun," you said although your voice had become altered due to the mucus in your nose.

"Then we can be sick together," he said and changed the topic. "Is there anything you're craving to eat right now? Rice soup? Or do you want some chicken noodle soup?"

You knew how caring Sugawara can get and there was no way he was going to leave you alone when you were sick.

"Rice soup should be fine," you gave up trying to convince him and replied. "I'll be waiting for you then, Koushi-kun."

"I'll be there soon, (F/N)-san," he said before hanging up. You don't remember how long he took, because you ended up going to sleep until you fidgeted and felt his hand wrapped with yours. Your eyes slowly opened and the cold sensation of the towel on your forehead made you feel better.

"Good afternoon, (F/N)-san," Sugawara gave you his signature smile that always melted your heart. You couldn't help but reciprocate the smile back.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked with a hint of worry in his tone. You nodded, "With you here I feel much better."

Sugawara laughed and let go of your hand to get the rice soup he had packed for you.

"Let me go warm it up," he said and stood up to leave your room. You grabbed his arm before he was out of your reach and smiled, "I can eat it in the living room."

"B-but you're-" Sugawara said and was cut off with you getting out of bed in an unbalanced manner.

"I'm fine," you assured him and laughed, "At least if I fall, you're here to catch me, right?"

Your boyfriend nodded and with one hand holding the package of rice soup, the other one was strongly wrapped around your waist. He helped you out and into the living room. He carefully placed you down on the sofa and planted a kiss on your head. Sugawara made sure the blanket was nicely wrapped around you before heading to the kitchen to warm up the rice soup. You picked up the remote and skimmed through the channels looking for a decent show to watch.

"Koushi-kun, what kind of movie do you want to watch?" you asked as came back with a tray full of a bowl of rice soup and a cup of water. He only smiled at you and placed the tray onto the coffee table before heading to his bag. He opened it up and reached into it before oulling out 3 movies.

"They're all your favorites," Sugawara added while he walked towards the T.V. and dvd player. "There's Tangled, The Good Dinosaur, and Zootopia."

You pouted as he mentioned all the names of the movies. Picking one was hard especially when you enjoyed and loved all of them.

"Or we can watch all of them," your boyfriend laughed as he noticed your struggling expression. You nodded your head like a little kid and chose to watch The Good Dinosaur first. Sugawara put the disc in and played it before heading back to you. You had the bowl of soup in your hand and was eating it slowly in order not to burn your tongue and make sure you don't cough while eating. Your grey head boyfriend took the empty spot next to you and wrapped his arms around you. Once you were done eating, you placed the bowl down and unwrapped yourself so that the blanket can now cover both you and Sugawara. You laid on his chest and continued to enjoy the movie while laughing and crying your eyes out. Sugawara would take glances here and there to see how you were doing. He would hear some sniffs and you would move to wipe your tears away. Knowing how emotional you can get with movies like these, he ran his hand through your hair and placed his chin on your head. As you two finished The Good Dinosaur, the next movie was Tangled and lastly Zootopia. It wasn't until half way through Zootopia that you could hear Sugawara's soft snores. You slowly glanced up making sure not to wake him and stared at his beautiful facial structure. The way his silver hair was slightly out of place and his pretty sleeping eyes with that unique mole under his left eye to just his face in general got you thanking god for such a perfect man. You chuckled to yourself and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you, Koushi-ku-" before you could finish your sentence, a threatening cough escaped your lips and had awoken him.

"Ah, sorry I fell asleep, (F/N)-san," he said and tighten his grip around you again. You shook your head, "Sorry for waking you up with my cough."

He looked down at you with his grey orbs before planting a kiss on your lips. You widened your eyes and pouted, "Koushi-kun! If you do that you'll get sick too!"

"Ahah, sorry (F/N)-san, I couldn't resist myself," he chuckled and then planted a kiss on your forehead. "Either way, I don't mind getting sick."

"Well, then you're going to suffer soon," you mentioned and leaned your head on his chest. One of his hand caressed your back while the other one ran through your hair.

"Then when I suffer, will you be there to care for me?" he mumbled before closing his eyes. You slowly nodded and coughed one more time before closing your eyes as well.

"Thank you for coming today," you whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too, (F/N)-san."


but yeah sugamama being sugamama ahh omfg
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it ♡
thank you for requesting ! :)
up next is the 2nd last request before I open up my request page again so woot woot !
next up, saltyshima !

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