● Tsukishima Kei : Birthday Surprise

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You woke up with a smile on your face. Although it can be any normal day, it wasn't. Because it was finally the once in a year day, your birthday. You prepared yourself for school, and headed out after eating breakfast. You quickly made way to where you'd usually meet up with your boyfriend and friend.

"Tsukki!" you eagerly waved to the tall blond that was waiting at the corner of the block for you. From afar you could see his face grimace at the nickname. You reached him and greeted him before holding his hand.

"Don't call me that," he mumbled before walking away and dragging you with him. You pouted and followed.

"What about Yamaguchi-kun?" you look back to see if your freckled friend was nearby. Tsukishima only pulled you closer to him and replied, "He went to school first."

"Oh, that's a first," you chuckled. "He's usually with you. You know I'm even considering about shipping you two."

"Shipping?" your boyfriend raised a brow in confusion. You laughed and shook your head, "It's nothing. Anyways, today's a good day Tsukki!"

"(F/N)-san, we haven't even reached school yet," Tsukishima replied bluntly. "And it's only been at least an hour and a half of the day so far."

You pouted and stared at him, "But today's a good day."

He only shrugged, "I guess. I'm not feeling it though. Maybe because there's always those two idiots I have to deal with during volleyball practice."

You frowned upon hearing his answer. Of all days did he really forget your birthday. Well maybe it's because you two have only been dating for 5 months, maybe just maybe he slightly forgot. But so, you continued the day. Tsukishima and you split ways as school started. Everyone you knew greeted you and wished you a happy birthday. Your best friends gave you some presents and you ended up having to carry a lot home once after school came. Tsukishima was waiting outside like usual and his eyes furrowed when he saw the presents in your hands.

"What's that?" he asked. Your heart dropped and you awkwardly laughed, "Just presents my friends gave me."

"Is today your birthday or something?" Tsukishima questioned. And with that question your heart felt a piercing pain. You could feel some tears threatening to fall out but you held it back. Hearing that you didn't reply, Tsukishima held your hand.

"Let's go," his voice was the usual, monotonous. He tried to pull you away but you pulled your hand back, "You have practice, and I need to get home."

"Oi, (F/N)-san," Tsukishima knew you were feeling down after what he said. "It's either we both go to the gymnasium, or I'm going to carry you there."

You didn't bother to reply and because of that, his arm reached under and carried you up.

"Why do you always have to make it harder on me?" he mumbled before walking towards the gymnasium. You were shocked and you hit his shoulders so he can let you down but Tsukishima refused to.

"Can you stop moving?" he bluntly said. "It'll make our trip to the gymnasium easier."

You glared at him and crossed your arm, "Why are you taking me there? I don't feel like watching you practice today."

"Oh, you will once we get there," he let out a small laugh and that caught your attention. You stared at him for the longest time and was interrupted when he let you down. Tsukishima took the presents that was in your hands and stared at you.

"I know you're probably going to hate me right now and after today so let me apologize," he said before patting your head. "I'm sorry about today, (F/N)-san."

You refused to look at him in the eyes and turned your gaze to the side. But your boyfriend forced you to look at him and planted a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm still sad," you mumbled. He only let out a soft laughed and opened the door to the gymnasium. Tsukishima pushed you in and within seconds you were attacked with silly strings.

"HAPPY BRITHDAY, (L/N)-SAN!!" Tsukishima's teammates shouted as they continued to spray silly strings at you.

"OI!" you heard your boyfriend. You turned to see that he was covered in it as well. Your tears started flowing out and you tried to stop crying. Everyone stopped what they were doing and it became quiet.

"W-why are you crying?" Tsukishima asked afraid that he did something wrong. You turned to him and hugged him tightly while crying into his chest.

"I thawght you fo-got whawt today was," your words weren't even coming out correctly due to your sobbings. Tsukishima caressed your back and placed his chin on your head.

"Idiot, why would I forget the most important day of your life?" he said and hugged you tighter. "If this day never happened, I wouldn't be as happy as I am today."

"You sound like an idiot," you mumbled into his shirt. "Add some salt to yourself, Tsukki."

"Oi," he pulled back and gave you a glare. "Stop being a crybaby and blow out the candle on your cake."

You brightly smiled at him and turned to where Hinata was with the cake.

"Make a wish, (L/N)-san," the little orange head teammate smiled. You laughed, "My wish came true already, but it doesn't hurt to be a little more greedy."

You closed your eyes and blew out the candles. Once the fire was out, everyone cheered and clapped.

"Let's hurry up and eat, so we can start practice!" Daichi shouted as the other teammates brought over the food. Everyone moved outside and continued the party at the nearby tables. You were given the first slice of the cake before Nishinoya and Tanaka digged in the rest. You thanked everyone for what they did and was about to start eating your slice when something slammed against your face.

"Oi! Tsukishima! Why did you do that?!"

You wiped off some of the cream that was on your eyes and turned to look at your boyfriend who only gave you a smirk. His face was like he has just won a huge competition. You laughed and moved towards him.

"I did apologized beforehand already," he stated and laughed. "You look nice, (F/N)-san."

"Oh do I?" you nodded and suddenly wrapped your arms around his neck tightly before kissing his lips. You could feel your boyfriend struggling to get free as his face began to be covered in the cake that was smashed into your face. You backed away and laughed at him before nodding at your work.

"I love you too," you added before getting napkins to clean your face and his.


ahahah cake before practice isnt a good thing lol
ok ok , I hope you enjoyed reading this and thank you for requesting ♡

next up is the last request before I begin opening up the request page again ! yayyyy

oki oki , nishinoya up next ! ;)

(note: I just realized this isnt as a tease as it should be omf so I apologized oh gawd . if you want , I'll update another tsukishima tease ! HikariTadashi123 )

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