● Tanaka Ryuunosuke : Back Off

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You stomped your way towards the building and inside where the karaoke rooms were at. Your fragile best friend was dragged into a mixer from the popular girls at school and you were on the edge of beating them up. You kicked open the door and glared at the boys and girls before you. Your eyes glanced the room before it laid upon the familiar eyes.

"Oi, Hitoka-chan," you glared at her. She flinched and immediately stood up, "(F/N)-san!"

You walked towards her and grabbed her arm.

"H-how did you know I was here?" she was shocked. You gave her the 'are you really asking me that' look and sighed, "I went to the gym because I thought you were there but Kiyoko-senpai told me you came here."

"A-ah, I'm dead now," Yachi was on the edge of feeling guilt.

"Sorry to ruin the fun but I'll be taking her with me," you said and dragged her out of the room. Once you both were out of the room, you stopped and then turned to look at Yachi. She was definitely very fragile because she was shaking in fear and this event could have turned for the worst if you hadn't shown up.

"You're okay now so let's go before I go back in there and beat the crap out of the brat that brought you here," you mentioned and was about to leave the building when a figure stopped you.

"You must be from Karasuno?" he said and brightly smiled. You stared at the teenage boy before you. He had brown spiked hair and matching colored eyes.

"Yes, and we're not interested," you replied and pushed Yachi in front of you as you headed out.

"Wait!" the boy followed after you two. You groaned and glared at him, "What do you want?"

"A-ah, sorry," he apologized and bowed. "I-It's just that I'm from the Tokyo prefecture and-."

"What is a guy from the Tokyo prefecture doing here?" you looked at him up and down. He was tall and quite built. He chuckled and pointed back inside the building, "I was forced to come to the mixer. Anyways, I was thinking you'd guide me to Karasuno so I can drop by and say hi to the boys' volleyball team before leaving."

Hearing that your ears perked up, "You know them?"

He chuckled and nodded, "We played against each other numerous times."

"And you're..." you looked at him. He quickly apologized and greeted you, "I'm Inuoka Sou. I play the middle blocker for Nekoma's boys volleyball team."

"Nekoma?" you thought you heard that name before. You remembered your boyfriend shouting that name a lot that one time.

"So are you going to take me?" he asked and smiled. You shrugged and nodded, "As long as you're 10 feet away from Hitoka and me."

He thought you were cute and agreed. You and Yachi headed off with Inuoka following behind.

"I never got you name," Inuoka asked. Yachi looked at him and was about to reply when he pointed at you. Yachi elbowed you and you turned, "You don't need to know my name."

"Ah, that's quite hurtful," he continued to smile. "You're quite cute, you know."

"Thanks, but I'm not interested," you replied before entering Karasuno's campus.

"(F/N)-san was it?" he said. You stopped and turned to look at him. He was smiling so much you were beginning to feel a bit annoyed.

"Yachi-chan said it earlier when you busted through the door," he said remembering the scene. "You're an interesting girl."

"A-ah, (F/N)-san is already take-," before Yachi could finish her sentence, the shouting of another boy was heard. You rolled your eyes and turned to see your boyfriend racing towards you.

"OI! (F/N)! YACHI-SAN!" the bald head boy shouted causing him to become the center of attention as the students who were leaving school stared at him. You ushered Yachi to head back to the gym while you deal with your boyfriend.

"Oh! Tanaka-senpai!" Inuoka waved towards him. Tanaka immediately stopped and looked at Inuoka before widening his eyes.

"OI! INUOKA!" he was shocked and greeted the kid. "What are you doing here?"

"I was at a mixer," Inuoka replied and chuckled, "I thought I'd drop by and say hi before leaving."

"Ohohoho! A mixer? Were there cute girls there?" Tanaka asked before you slapped him on the arm. He stiffened and turned to you sweetly, "(F/N)~ where were you and Yachi-san?"

"We were at the mixer, why?" you asked not giving a care in the world about it anymore. Tanaka widened his eyes and screamed, "WHAT?!"

"It was quite interesting you know, getting to meet Inuoka-kun and all at the mixer," you said and look at how your boyfriend turned from friendly into satan in 0.2 seconds.

"SHE'S ALL MINE SHITTY BOY," Tanaka held you back and acted like he was ready to bite anyone's hands off if they touched you. You karate chopped his head and rolled your eyes, "First of all, just because I'm your girlfriend does not mean I'm all yours and secondly, it's CITY boys not shitty boys."

"(F/N)-san~" Tanaka pouted but continued to glare at Inuoka, "Back off, boy."

Inuoka lifted his hand in surrender, "I didn't know she was your girlfriend."

"Well now you do," Tanaka said and linked your hand with his. With the sudden skinship, your cheeks flushed a bright red. Inuoka looked at the time and apologized.

"It's getting late so I'll head home," he mentioned. "Tell the others I said hi, and (F/N)-san, let's meet again soon!"

He smiled brightly towards you before leaving.

"OI! SHITTY BOY!" Tanaka shouted but you covered his mouth.

"Aren't you being a bit too loud, you idiot?" you glared at him. He shook his head, "Inuoka needs to know where the line is marked! You are my girlfriend! Shouldn't you be more cautious of guys like him? And why were you at the mixer-."

You planted a kiss on his lips to shut him up from talking too much. Tanaka's face was all red when you backed away.

"T-That was uncall for!" he covered his face from being seen. You laughed and nodded, "Good, now you've shut up. Let's head back to the gym-."

Before you could walk out of his reach, Tanaka grabbed you and planted a kiss on your neck.

"I'd leave a mark but then Daichi would kill me if I did," he smirked.

"OI! RYUU!" you punched him in the face.


Tanaka could hear the snickering of his teammates as he caressed the ice pack on his bruised cheek.

"And his sanity would still not return after that punch, sadly," Tsukishima bickered before Daichi put an arm on the tall male's shoulder to shut him up. Sugawara turned to you who only seem to be hiding your face so far.

"What happened?" he asked. You looked up and glared at your boyfriend before going back to hiding your face and neck.



ahaha i hoped you enjoyed reading this ~

thank you for requesting lovely <3

i'll try my best to update the next following requests so please wait patiently !

up next on the list is a love rival between bokuto and oikawa !

Take Off ● One Shots [ haikyuu!! x reader ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن