● Tsukishima Kei : Affections

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You stared blankly ahead at your boyfriend who was busy studying with his headphones on his head. It had been over 3 hours straight and he was still able to go on through his books and notes while you had already taken at least 4 breaks between the hours.

"Oi, Kei-kun," you said and poked his arm with the eraser end of your pencil. He looked up and removed his earphones, "Hm?"

"Are you almost done?" you asked the blonde head. He looked back down at his notes and nodded, "Did you wanted a break?"

You akwardly chuckled and shook your head, "I was just worried you might lose your head soon from staring at the notes too long."

He let out a small laughter before tuning back into his studying. You pouted and laid your head down. You had wished that your boyfriend would be a little more affectionate. He was always so blunt and simple. It's not that you dislike it or anything. It's just that it has been over 2 months and he still hasn't properly hold your hand. You didn't know if he hated it as well as public affection or he's just shy. But heck, why would the salty Tsukishima be shy? You sighed and slowly yawned. Tsukishima didn't have his headphones on anymore so he heard you.

"You okay?" he asked with his eyes still glued to his notes. You nodded and stretched, "Just tired and hungry."

"We can go eat out after this," he stated and returned to his notes. You stared at the watch on your wrist and shook your head. It was already very late into the night. You had to be home by a certain time. He knew you had a curfew but you guessed he had forgotten since he was pulled into his notes.

"Kei-kun, it's almost 10pm," you mentioned. That was when his head perked up. He thought you were joking until he saw the clock on his phone showing '9:53pm'. He groaned and closed his books.

"I'm sorry, (F/N)-san," Tsukishima said and removed his headphones. You shook your head, "It's fine Kei, I know how important the exams are for you."

You gave him a soft smile and pointed to the closed book, "You know, I'm jealous of you for being so committed to studying."

You laughed and stared at your boyfriend's face as you notice his tired eyes behind that cold face. You watched as a small smile appeared on his lips while he started packing up. You did as well and the both of you headed out of the school grounds. The two of you were walking really closed but no hand contact was made. You were waiting for it but it mever came. Tsukishima noticed your unusual expression and asked, "Is something bothering you?"

You immediately shook your head despite wanting to tell him, "I'm just tired."

He wasn't convinced with that simple answer though. Tsukishima stopped walking which caused you to walk ahead of him. You stopped and turned to face the tall figure.

"Kei-kun?" you tilted your head in confusion. You didn't know why he suddenly stopped walking.

"Are you sulking about me ignoring you for almost 4 hours?" he asked. You stared at your boyfriend and laughed, "No, idiot. I was rather intrigued by your handsome, hardworking image you know."

"Then what is it that you're sulking about?" his voice became serious. It almost surprised you. You let out an akward chuckle and shook your head, "I don't think I'm sulking. Why? Does it look like I am?"

He moved closer to you and put his face a couple inches away from yours. His index finger went towards your forehead and he pushed your head back.

"You're too easy to read," he stated and put his hand out. You stared down and back up to his face. His head was slightly facing away from you and despite it being dark you could see that he was blushing.

"(F/N)-san, my hand isn't going to hold itself," Tsukishima mentioned. You were shocked for a moment. How did he know about how you were feeling about his affections? Is he able to read minds? Your train of thoughts were interrupted when Tsukishima groaned and linked his hand with yours, tired of waiting for you to do it yourself. He started walking and with his long legs, he was literally dragging you along.

"K-Kei," you said trying to get his attention. "Kei-kun."

Tsukishima slowed down his pace so that you were walking beside him. His open hand reached the back of his nape and he let out a sigh.

"The annoying shrimp told me that he overheard you and your friend talking about affections," he mumbled and slowly turned to face you. "He even had the audacity to scold me for being 'cold' and 'heartless'."

You could see how hard Tsukishima was trying and only bursted out laughing.

"That doesn't mean that you have to force yourself to do it, idiot!" You couldn't help it but appreciate that he was trying his best. You tightened your grip on his hand and smiled, "Thank you though Kei-kun."

His open hand reached for your head and pat it before he leaned in and planted a kiss on your forehead. You could feel your cheeks heat up in seconds and the warm sensation from his lips left behind.

"Hm, I'm starting to like this," he said and gave you his signature smirk. "I found it cute when you blush, (F/N)-san."

Hearing that you could feel your whole body heat up and your heart beating faster and faster. Tsukishima pulled you closer to him as the two of you continued towards the train station. Both with cheeks turning a tint of red and hearts fluttering endlessly.


Another one down ! Yasss !
I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for requesting ! ♡
i still have a lot more to go through woot
Next up hinata !

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