● Nishinoya Yuu : Start Over Again

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The luxurious event hall was decorated with beautiful white flowers along with golden ribbons. Many relatives and family members quickly appear one by one in the hall, creating a lively atmosphere. You were sitting at one of the reserved tables chatting away. It was a day you had expecting to come. Your best friend was finally getting married and you were there to see her tie the knot with her boyfriend of 6 years. You were enjoying the moment of happiness until a familiar face greeted you.

"(L/N)-san, it's been awhile!" he waved and pulled out the empty seat next to you.

"Oi, is this seat even yours, Nishinoya-kun?" you stopped him. "These are reserved."

He chuckled and grabbed the envelope that was placed on the table for who that seat was reserved for. Nishinoya faced the front of the envelope towards you and right on it was his last name and first name. You widened your eyes and tried to keep a calm structure while Nishinoya brightly smiled at you as he took a seat in the empty chair.

"I thought Japan's national team made you too busy to attend events?" you asked without trying to sound like you didn't want him there. It was your best friend's wedding so you promised yourself to not blow up and ruin it with your attitude towards Nishinoya. He knew you too well and shook his head, "The team is on a small break, and you know...you don't have to hold back."

You held your fists under the table and forced a smile towards him.

"How long has it been since we last seen each other?" he asked and thought about it. "Since 3rd year in high school right?...Wow that was like 4 years ago..."

"And you're still the same dumb idiot," you mumbled under your breath. He looked at you and moved in closer, "But that was what you liked about me."

You wanted to argue back but the ceremony had started. The host of the wedding event had asked everyone to lower their excitement as he began what was listed on the event program. Multiple speeches were said and many tears were shed as the hour passed by. Your eyes were brimmed with tears after hearing the speech your best friend's mother had told. Nishinoya noticed and handed you his handkerchief. You stared at it and shook your head. He sighed and instead reached his hand to wipe your tears himself. You widened your eyes and quickly grabbed his handkerchief from his hand.

"I-I got it," you stuttered quickly and wiped away your remaining tears. You watched as he chuckled to himself and turned his attention back to the stage. Soon enough vows were stated and rings were exchanged. Everyone stood and cheered as the newly wedded couple kissed and enjoy their moment. As the lively event came to an end, the happy day was yet to be over.

"Do you have a ride to the after-party?" Nishinoya asked as the two of you exit the event hall. You nodded, "How else did I arrived here?"

"Good, can I have a ride there then?" he asked and gave you his genuine smile. You scoffed, "Don't you have a car?"

"A car is no use if I never use it," he mentioned and went on about how he usually travels with the national team so a car was really no use to him. You shook your head again and was about to deny him access to your passenger seat but your old classmates from high school interrupted.

"Oh! Yuu-kun!" a few girls were surprised to see him barely. "Are you going to the after-party?"

"I want to but I don't have a ride there," Nishinoya said and glanced at you. "I asked if (L/N)-san could take me but she said no."

"O-Oi!" you grabbed his arm. "Stop telling our old classmates lies and let's get going!"

"Oh, looks like she changed her mind!~" he laughed and waved to the girls before being dragged away to your car by you. You stopped in front of your car and let go of his hand.

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