"Back in a sec."

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TRIGGER WARNING FOR VIOLENCE, please don't read if this hits home guys...

There are moments in life that just rock the very core of your being. Moments that hit you with an intensity, with a savagery you simply cannot comprehend and after those moments...nothing else really matters. You're so affected by them that any kind of happiness, no matter how great...they just disappear and you're left with a shell of the person you used to be.

Lauren did as her girlfriend asked because she loved Camila and wanted to make her happy no matter how fleeting that may be. Lauren ushered the girl into the passenger seat of her car and drove them to her house, the one place she never wanted the brunette to ever step foot in.

And she was sticking by that. Never would Camila step foot in the one place that was the closest semblance to Hell Lauren could think of.

They drove in relative silence, Camila's hand latched onto hers with the younger girl messing with the radio every now and then. And Lauren sort of hated that when other people used to do it, like when her dad had first bought her the car and tried to set every radio station to what he thought was age appropriate. As soon as he stepped out, Lauren plugged her phone in and the soothing voice of Lana Del Ray rang through, she made sure to play Cola extra loud.

Michael was pissed.

Lauren was mildly amused.

Lucy was never allowed to touch the radio, she always had to settle for whatever Lauren picked. It was one of the things Lucy always tried to argue about because sometimes she wanted to listen to must that had a beat she could vibe with. She never won the arguments.

But with Camila...the girl could play what she pleased. And normally it was some shitty band Lauren hated but she rarely complained. Because Camila would sing along to the songs and suddenly they didn't sound so shitty anymore. Lauren knew she'd turned into a pile of sap in her relationship with Camila, she would admit to that, but she didn't really feel ashamed about it. Because seeing the brunette smile always left a satisfied feeling in Lauren's heart.

When they pulled up outside of the Jauregui house, or in Camila's opinion mansion, Lauren shut off the car and pleaded with the younger girl to wait for her there.

"Seriously," Lauren assured her. "I'll be quick. Get clothes, come back and we can watch as many shit movies as you want."

"He's in there, Lauren," Camila's eyes were swimming with fear as she eyed the closed front door.

"Yeah," The green-eyed girl turned her girlfriend's eyes away from her house. "And if I can slip in there, I can get out a lot easier than I would if I had to worry about you being with me, okay? So wait here, don't worry."

"Don't worry? Seriously?"

"Just...stay here, okay? Promise?"

"Fine," Camila huffed, crossing her eyes as she averted her eyes to the looming house before them. "Just hurry the fuck up, this place...something doesn't feel right about it."

"Okay," Lauren leaned over and pressed a kiss to Camila's cheek. "Back in a sec."

Camila's nerves hit their peak as soon as brown, wooden door shut behind Lauren.

The green-eyed girl was greeting by the smell of cigarettes in her house, a scent she knew her father would loath be indoors but apparently Theo didn't seem to care much for how Michael ran his house.

She found him peeking out of a window at her car and her blood began to boil with anger. Clearly his eyes were trained on Camila and she hated herself for bringing the younger girl anywhere near her house.

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