"Two weeks, Camila Cabello, and I can't function without you."

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"-And then he taught me a few strings on his guitar." Ally sighed dreamily.

"I can't believe you two finally went on a date," The tall blonde at the table sipped her drink as she rolled her eyes. "And the cheesy little bastard took you for a picnic on the beach no less."

"I have dibs on being the Maid of Honour."

"Girl, that requires having honour, you're already out." Dinah scoffed at Normani. "Y'all seen Mila?"

"She's hanging back, said she had something to do. Probably some celebrity business, who knows." The dark-skinned girl replied.

"I know," Ally chimed in, her eyes focused on something beyond Dinah and as the two other girls spun around, they found exactly what Holly meant.

Camila was walking towards them with a lunch bag in hand and a square-shouldered Lauren Jauregui stalking behind her casting glares at just about everyone around them.

Today would be the first time Lauren sat with Camila for lunch. This was big because the most interaction Lauren had ever shared with anyone publicly was Lucy and that's because everyone knew they were sort of sleeping together. So this would be a big red flag on the whole 'keeping things low key' plan, but Lauren didn't care. No one would approach Camila with her acting as a guard dog beside her girlfriend. Even Shawn wouldn't brave taking a pass at Camila while Lauren was around.

"Hey guys," Camila swung her legs onto the seat beside Dinah and instantly started digging into her lunch bag whilst Lauren took a little longer, with blatant reluctance, to perch herself down beside her girlfriend. "Yes! Chilli sandwich. Anyone want some?" She playfully eyed the wide-eyed group, all shook they heads and then Camila looked to the green-eyed girl beside her. "You?"

Camila tried to pass it off as casual, but she wasn't an idiot. Never had she seen Lauren with a lunch in front of her and that wasn't to say that Lauren's body showed the lack of food, but still, it eased Camila's mind when Lauren offered her a stiff nod and took half the sandwich from her outstretched hand. Camila also knew that Lauren probably didn't want the food, but occupying her mouth with it would mean she didn't have to talk.

"Yo, elephant in the room; Lauren Jauregui is sitting at our table." Dinah decided that beating around the bush was childish and unnecessary.

"Yeah, she sits with us now." Camila shrugged as she bit into her sandwich and made a show to moan and roll her eyes into the back of her head, which really made Lauren want to kiss her and she hated that she couldn't.

"This was decided by...?"

"Me?" The younger Cuban frowned.

"Without taking us into consideration? I mean, no offence, Jauregui, but you're not exactly a cup of tea."

"Lay off." Lauren bit out, shooting Dinah a dark look.

"Seriously, Mila, look at Ally, she's terrified." It was true, Ally was nibbling on her lip like there was no tomorrow and she kept her head down to avoid a stray glare from the raven-haired girl.

"Ally, Lauren won't do anything." Camila reached over to place her hand on top of her oldest friend's.

"Seriously not the point," Dinah groaned. "Point is, we're not comfortable with Lauren sitting with us."

"Fuck this," Lauren put the rest of her half of the sandwich down on the table and made to stand up, but almost as if Camila knew her intentions, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and tug her back down. "They don't want me here, Camila." Lauren hissed.

"I do." And then the younger Cuban had her lip jutting out and her eyes looking up at Lauren through thick lashes and Lauren just knew that Camila had found her weakness.

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