"There's no opting out for me."

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Dinah was never a sentimental person. She sort of let life come as it may and just followed it through. She ate when she needed to eat, slept when she needed to sleep and interacted with whoever she pleased.

Dinah was sort of a carefree spirit that couldn't be nailed down.

It's why she was friends with Normani and Ally, their were kindred souls.

So it was safe to assume that when Camila Cabello entered their lives, it rocked that sense of peace a little bit. Or more like a lot.

But never mind, they could deal with it. They have dealt with it. Dinah slowly learned that peace wasn't forever promised and that sometimes drama would arise no matter how much she wished it didn't. And she was beginning to become okay with it. A little drama was necessary to keep life interesting.

But a little morphed into a lot very quickly and the three girls fell into a pattern they weren't used to. They fell into this pattern of bringing Camila's spirit up when it plummeted after another fight with Lauren.

Suddenly their own happiness was put on the back burner in order to ensure the happiness of their friend.

And the strange part of it was; they had no idea they were doing it.

Until the day they did realise it.

"They're not gonna last, are they?" Dinah was the first to voice their concerns as she watched Camila rush into the school building.

"We don't know that." Ally sighed, sort of tired of everything going on.

Ally had been in a relationship for all of almost two weeks and she had barely had time to even think about her own boyfriend amongst her concerns for Camila and Lauren.

All she wanted to do now was get back into her routine of focusing on school at school, doing her homework at home and then seeing Jake who had been waiting for her for so long. Ally just wanted her old life back. Drama made her heart race too fast and Ally was never one to exert herself physically. She liked calm, she liked peace and she liked her boyfriend, so she sort of wanted all of that.

Normani was sort of a different story because she wanted to believe that maybe this new change could be good despite the overwhelming bad that had been happening as of lately. She had developed somewhat of a friendship with Lauren and found the girl to be interesting, if not a little over-the-top in relation to her way of anger management.

So because of that, Normani wanted to believe that Lauren and Camila could work. Because Lauren had been so occupied with everything Camila that she sometimes missed the occasional student bumping into her or how she brushed past people a few times. She was so occupied by her thoughts of her girlfriend that she was completely oblivious to the world around her.

Normani sort of thought that might be a good thing...for everyone but Lauren.

And that kind of sucked because as much as this weird relationship was helping those in the school, Lauren was still being affected by it dramatically. So there wasn't really a balance and Normani didn't know how to find one.

A huge part of her blamed Camila for her less than thought out actions. But Camila was young, yes, only a year younger than herself, but Normani didn't grow up around fame and flash photography, she had a normal childhood. Camila didn't. Her childhood was robbed from her and Normani had a sneaky suspicion that that was why Camila had no idea how she should be acting now.

The girl was free of the spotlight, she could do what she pleased without the fear of it ending up on some front page with a whole load of rumours associated with it. The only thing was, with that freedom came a lack of responsibility that everyone else in the school had been taught at a young age...except Camila.

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