《Chapter 2》Fuck You

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Kesley POV

"How sad is that?" Essie stated beside me. I felt my face heat up with anger as I just observed.

They were all standing there, playing beer pong at three in the morning..

Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and the very own Liam Payne.

They all cheered as Liam scored the little plastic ball into the mug, his laugh giving off only complete enjoyment and contentment.

"Very sad," I crossed my arms across my chest, my face twisting into a grimace as he gulped down the mug of hard liqour. I wanted so badly to go up and yell, punch him down to a pulp, but what good would that be?

There he was, drinking his life away, the life that depended on that kidney. That kidney that I gave up. The one that I've been missing...

And sadly, I don't know what brings me to not regret my decision.

He looked at me, his eyes a little reddened by the lack of sleep. He rose an eyebrow at my direction, hate filling his features.

I felt Essie tense beside me as Liam held the cup, outstretching his hand to pull out his middle finger.

I drank my bottle of water with ease, raising it up in the air with his stupid middle finger.

"Fuck you, too, Liam!" I replied loudly, and all the men turned to glare at me with disbelief.

"Fuck you, too," my voice lowered to a whisper as everyone at the party glared.

The whole school glared.

They all knew the story between us, and the dying hatred we have for one another...

If only they knew the real story behind it all.


Please sign and agree of the donation of your right operational kidney to ensure that...

The anxiousness grew as I sat there against the wall, reading every word of the contract like it was the holy bible. I sighed and held tightly onto the pen that shook violently in my hand.

The only thing that forced me to move quicker was the pre-signed signature of Liam Payne's sections for the transplant.

I signed the bottom of the paperwork quickly, trying to keep calm through my nervousness. I passed it back, the doctor giving me a warm smile. I made my mother stay behind, giving her a reassuring kiss that I'd be okay.

They led me into the room, where I stripped my clothing and shakily tied on the gown. And soon enough the doctor explained what was to happen. The pinches between the creases of most of my joints, the oxygen tubes placed over my face, it was nerve-wrecking.

I only continued to gaze at the ceiling, muting his voice, and any other sound but the slowly shallow breathes of my own. I thought of the last thing I did before entering was all that was there.

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The darkness came in, and I sighed, hoping only to wake up.

Kidney Donor// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now