Princess # and Prince !

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This is a story I found that I wrote when I was in middle school. It's quite adorable in my opinion so why not share it?


Once upon a time in the land of Mathmaina there lived two princesses. # was very humble and sweet while % was snotty and self centered. The twins were never really close and seldom spoke to one another. One day Queen + and king - informed their daughters that prince ! of Langmainia would be visiting the castle in search of a new wife. # wasn't nearly as happy as her sister, for she wanted to find love for herself. % on the other hand couldn't have been more joyous over the announcement. She spent hours getting ready for the arrival of prince ! while # spent her day in the library trying to make the best of the peace of the castle while it lasted. A loud squeal told # the prince had arrived. Reluctantly she put her book, 2 + 2 = 4, down and joined her family in the foyer.

Prince ! was as handsome as all the rumors had claimed. His midnight blue hair framed his ocean blue eyes perfectly while his smile was as bright as the sun on a warm day. # could not deny his perfection but she knew there could be a whole new personality hiding under those adorable dimples and lean body. % was satisfied with his looks and was determined to make sure her sister did not get his hand in marriage. Prince ! on the other hand was memorized by the natural beauty of the twins. %s straight pink hair flowed down her back beautifully while her golden eyes shone mischievously in the sunlight. ! knew he had to be careful around her. #s short, curly, violet hair contrasted beautifully with her guarded silver eyes. She seemed to catch the prince's eye far more than her sister. The twins curtsied to their new visitor while the prince bowed back. Welcome to Mathmaina Prince !, # said respectfully. Yes welcome good prince. We hope you enjoy your stay in our country, % added glaring at her twin before smiling sweetly at the prince. ! smiled back, My stay so far has been very pleasant. Your country is beautiful as well as its princesses. said ! with a smirk. % blushed a light pink while # had a small frown on her delicate lips. She did not wish to fall for the prince's charm nor would she allow herself to do so. ! noticed this and immediately wiped the smirk off his face to give her a genuine smile. She could not help but give a small smile in return. % watched the exchange with a scowl on her face.

Why don't we show you to your room prince !? % asked interrupting. He nodded his head and followed the twins to the room he would be staying in for the next three days. The prince frowned but nodded and followed the twins to what be his room for the next three days. The rest of the evening was spent with the prince getting to the know the princesses. % wasn't as happy with the likes and dislikes of Prince ! but he made up for it in the looks as well as having the title of future king of his country. # happened to find the dislikes and likes of ! very intriguing. He loved to travel and explore the world and didn't favor being locked in the castle all day. # knew she was very capable of falling in love with him but also knew he was his sisters just by the death glares she was receiving from her oh so lovely sister every time she agreed with ! views of the world. Prince ! was growing more and more tired of princess % as the moments ticked by. He didn't like the way she treated her sister and all the glares she sent her way. All he wanted was to have some alone time with princess #. After hours of talking the three retired to their rooms for the night. % was satisfied with the way things were going so far and thought she had the prince wrapped around her finger. # could feel herself falling in love with prince and although it scared her slightly she decided she was at least attempt to fight for his hand in marriage. After all her sister couldn't get everything she wanted in life. ! knew princess # had him wrapped around her pinky. He was determined to take her home as his wife by the time this visit was over. He also knew the task would not be easy because of %, but not even she would be able to keep him away from the beautiful princess with swirling silver eyes.

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