New Boy:

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Warning: mentions of homosexulity.

Trigger Warning: I don't think there are any if there is someone please message me so I can put up a waring for future readers thank-you.

I've always hated school, I mean I don't see the point of it. I already have my future planned out for me and if anything school just interferes with it. It's just a building filled with a bunch of fakes with plastic smiles. No one is sincere anymore. All they want is popularity and they don't care who they have to crush to get it. So you can only imagine my pissed off mood when I walk through the school gates, already five minutes late for my first class. Not that I care.

"Mr. Levine you're late again," Miss Monroe says calmly, but I can see the anger in her eyes clear as day.

I shrug,"Sorry Miss. I forgot to set my alarm clock." That's a lie. I had to drop Kadalyn off at her school. But she didn't need to know that.

Miss Monroe just shook her head and motioned for me to take a seat. I sat down tossing my book bag below my seat. The door flew open and a boy with insanely curly hair sprinted in. "This school is freaking hudge! Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my locker." the boy says out of breath. He has a slight British accent but seems to hide it pretty well.

"You must be the new student! Go ahead and introduce yourself." Miss Monroe said.

"Oh, um my name is Jasper Evernote. I just moved here from Idaho," the boy, Jasper, replies facing the front of the class. The girls in the back of the class start whispering and squealing. Jasper definitely isn't ugly. He has deep blue eyes that seem wiser than their age, plump pink lips, ridiculously curly eyelashes, a lean figure with defined muscles perfect for his size, and a head of bleach blonde curly hair. He'll definitely be apart of the populars by the end of the day.

"Well welcome to Woodland High, Jasper. You can take a seat next to Grayson. Grayson raise your hand please." I reluctantly do as I'm told. Jasper takes the seat next to me without a word. The rest of class flew by until lunch.

Here's the thing, I don't have any friends. Most of the school is afraid of me, they're convinced I'm some murder in hiding. Idiots I know. And the very few who aren't just dont want to hang out with a guy who has jet black hair, cold dark brown eyes, and an expressionless mask. Not that it matters, any kid brave enough-- which is very rare-- to sit at my lunch table leaves the moment I send a glare their way. So when Jasper comes and takes the seat across from me at lunch I don't expect him to be any different. I send him my best death glare hoping he'll leave as soon as possible. But surprisingly he just stares right back, eyes void of all emotion."You can glare all you want Gray, I'm not leaving," he says still staring. Daring me to say something.

To say I'm surprised is an understatement."I think that is more your scene Curly," I reply pointing at the table filled with jocks and cheerleaders behind me. Jasper breaks our little stare down and glances over my shoulder.

He snorts,"Yeah right. Those are just a bunch of fakes, I'm slightly offended you would think I would even consider being one of them." I almost smile. Almost.

"Okay, who dared you to sit here then?"I ask. It wouldn't be the first time.

He looks back at me,"No one. I mean I get that you're one of those don't mess with me loners that everyone avoids. But I see through your mask. You act like you don't care about anything and you're fine with being alone. That you're not lonely. But I bet a hundred dollars you have a job-- most likely to support someone--, good grades, and someone you would die to protect. I also bet you you're lonely to some degree but have too much pride to admit it." I stare at him in shock, he was right about everything he said. And that pisses me off. Why can he, of all people, see right through me? I've only seen him once and we didn't even say a word to each other! The guy takes observant to a whole new level.

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