Before I finish laughing:

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Okay, so this is insanely short and just a scene I wrote. I'm not even sure why I'm putting this in here but oh well. Enjoy!

Trigger Warning: none

Her face turns into one of panic as her arm shoots out in an attempt to catch herself. Failing miserably she tumbles onto to the ground with a small squeal. The brunette girl and blonde boy burst out laughing, while the blue eyed girl quickly stands up red faced.

"Oh my gosh, that was so funny!" The brunette exclaims between fits of laughter. Holding onto the blonde boy so she won't fall.

"Shut up,"the blue eyed girl mumbles, hiding her face in her hands, cheeks still burning.

"You were walking and then... Bam! Hello floor,"the blonde chuckles trying to keep the laughing brunette from falling.

"You guys stop laughing!" The blue eyed girl wines, a small pout forming on her lips.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, but you literally just tripped over air,"the brunette says. Sending both herself and the boy into another fit of laughter.

Okay so that was a small scene I wrote in my creative writing class. The point was to write a small scene about a funny event that happend to you, by beginning with what made the event funny. I'm the brunette, the blue eyed girl and blonde boy ar my two of my best friends (at the time). Last year we were walking home from school. Me and the blonde we talking and the blue eyed girl was walking ahead when she suddenly fell over nothing. It was really funny because she usually isn't that clumsy. But yeah I still make fun of her because of that. Anyway it's pretty bad because I wrote it quickly but I'll edit it in my notebook later:)

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