Only Him:

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Trigger Warning: slight character death

I woke up to the delicious smell of bacon and eggs. I quickly jumped out of bed and flew down the hallway, smiling when I entered the kitchen."Bacon!"I yelled excitedly before charging at the plate full of goodness.

A hand swatted mine before I could grab a slice of heaven."Don't even think about it Emily,"Loki warned with a smirk as he kissed my cheek.

I pouted and crossed my arms childishly,"Already did,"I replied then stuck my tongue out for good measure. He rolled his eyes at my antics and went back to cooking. When I was sure he wasn't looking I snatched a piece off the plate and ran back to our room before he noticed."I saw you take that bacon piece Emmy!" I heard Loki yell. I giggled as I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.

After a warm shower I went back downstairs to find Loki had just finished setting the table. I smiled at him as I sat down across from him and poured myself a glass of orange juice as he did the same with milk."Do we have any plans for today?" I asked.

He finished eating his bacon piece before answering,"Well Fink needs his cage cleaned before we can do anything." I nodded my head shuddering at the thought of Loki's pet rat, Fink. I hated that thing and I knew it hated me as well. I preferred my bunny, Fluffy, over Fink anyday. But I put up with the rotten creature for Loki's sake,"Then I was thinking we could have a day in today. We spent all day out yesterday shopping and such we need a day to ourselves." I nodded again, smiling in agreement. Loki smirked back an unfamiliar gleam in his dark brown eyes.

After we finished breakfast Loki had gone to clean Fink's cage while I cleaned up the kitchen. I was in the middle of washing my cat whiskers mug when I heard a loud bang coming from down the hall. I quickly rinsed the soap off my hands before turning off the tap."Loki?" I called. Silence. I called his name again, silence being my only answer. I reluctantly left the kitchen and slowly headed towards the bedroom,"Loki, are you okay?" I asked as I walked into the bedroom and looked around. Loki wasn't anywhere in sight and Fink's cage door was wide open. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Loki always made sure to close the cage door so Fink wouldn't escape.

"Loki?" I called one more time. This time my response was someone putting a sack over my head. I screamed and kicked as the person picked me up and sat me down in a chair. I felt something tie around my wrists and legs, and I knew I was being tied down. The sack was then pulled off my head and I had to blink a few times to clear my vision. When it did I gasped in shock as Loki and his best friend Jude stood in front of me, a knife clutched in both men's hands, and a devilish smirk plastered on their faces."W-what's going on?"I stuttered looking between them with a scared expression.

They glanced at each other wickedly before looking back at me"You see Emmy," Loki taunted,"I was only pretending to date you." You'd think that the second those words came out of his mouth I would have burst into tears or something but instead I laughed. And I'm not talking about a small giggle or chuckle either. I'm talking full out laughing so hard you have tears in your eyes and out of breath by the time you finish type laughing. By the time I had stopped to catch my breath, both men were staring at me like I should have been put into a mental asylum, which I probably did, but they didn't need to know that.

"That's a funny joke Loki, now please untie me so I can finish cleaning the kitchen," I said still chuckling a little.

"We're not joking Emily. I pretended to date you so you could be my next victim," Loki said.

That stopped my chuckles immediately,"W-what do you mean n-next v-victim?" I asked with wide eyes.

The devilish smirk was back on his face as he charged at me with the dagger I had bought him for Christmas last year. Pain exploded in my chest before everything went black.

The End.

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